User:Kate/silsor images

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

concat('Image:',img_name,'') img_size img_description img_user img_user_text img_timestamp
Image:Morepork.ra 22088 1123 PierreAbbat 20020723185044
Image:Medusa.ttf 62156 Recovered 0 (Unknown) 20020730023320 115583 2251 DrBob 20020802125919 119723 2251 DrBob 20020802130009
Image:Right_here_in_my_arms.rm 258018 Recovered 0 (Unknown) 20020806221825 110458 Diagram for quadrilateral, original Adobe Illustrator 9.0 file 2251 DrBob 20020818183540 602 Source code for drawing a lituus. 1123 PierreAbbat 20020824155921
Image:California_map_showing_counties_(source).xcf.gz 86453 Base image for the California county maps (GIMP image) 51 Brion VIBBER 20020909063644
Image:Nevada_map_showing_counties_(source).xcf.gz 31736 Overview map of Nevada showing county borders (GIMP image) 51 Brion VIBBER 20020911101015
Image:Rigging1.tif 273141 First illo of 1911 Brintannica Rigging Article (in tif to preserve numbering) 1578 Ray Van De Walker 20020918004950
Image:Binary-tree-structure.dia 1187 Disconnected the siblings 3499 Branko 20021024144510 5237 4042 AntonioMartin 20021106015417
Image:Govstrct.doc 22016 chart of government structure of the The Principality of Sealand 789 Giskart 20021206212901
Image:SPEC_011201a.doc 87040 the State Specification for the national flag of The Principality of Sealand 789 Giskart 20021206213308
Image:Isnic01.jpe 29267 Nicolai Viertel_1 6359 Xxxoxxx xxxoxxx 20021217080759
Image:Dumdedum.wpd 1868 Mr. Mites 7056 Wrcobrabro 20030117221653
Image:Pandora.glow.jpg-thumb_273_195. 20762 Pandora 6057 Pandora 20030204202121
Image:Waterhouse_Pandora 8966 Pandora 6057 Pandora 20030204204218
Image:Monopoly_pricing.fig 1135 Fig file used to create monopoly pricing image 578 Jrincayc 20030211142745 2784 Source file of VX-Gas.png, for use with "Formeleditor"-Tool 733 JeLuF 20030321005826
Image:E_with_ 700 Recovered 0 (Unknown) 20030413233752
Image:Japan-prefecture-maps.xcf 116770 Gimp template file for Japanese prefecture maps 7593 Synthetik 20030422143711
Image:OrchidŽe1.1sJPG 78988 Recovered 0 (Unknown) 20030504200026
Image:Pissenlit3.1sJPG 73964 Recovered 0 (Unknown) 20030504200235
Image:Carter_Family 36551 Carter Family album cover, fair use 7252 Tiles 20030522201937
Image:TVA_Act_Signing 9632 Roosevelt signing the TVA act from TVA web page. Public domain 7252 Tiles 20030531052244
Image:Lepidoptere(s)JPG 163775 Recovered 0 (Unknown) 20030603220523
Image:Dixie_Chicks_Home 24697 "Home " Album cover - fair use 7252 Tiles 20030604003234
Image:Dining_fly_(tent).dsf 5120 10888 Smack 20030607191636
Image:Vikingw02.tif 488870 Recovered 0 (Unknown) 20030608230702
Image:Apfelsä 640 source of Image:malic acid.png 733 JeLuF 20030610200042 1227504 movie of migrating glasseels - copyright uwe kils 9731 Kils 20030611191331 394292 Recovered 0 (Unknown) 20030615135809
Image:Pricing_transfer-no_ext-small.cdr 14854 Recovered 0 (Unknown) 20030628214322
Image:Dimsum.jpe 24621 dim sum 15569 Flora606250 20030716171341
Image:Godfather_1_Review.rtf 7705 A Godfather One Review 18320 Saurabhsaddi 20030806194854
Image:10065224.jpe 7518 Scaled down to reasonable size 7580 Ahoerstemeier 20030820181254
Image:Davis_recall_petition.pdf 148396 PDF of official recall petition form for posterity. 7279 Minesweeper 20031003045649
Image:On_barton_broad.tif 359000 on_barton_broad. 11419 Norwikian 20031014164105
Image:Gadget-schematic-crosssection.fig 1733 schematic cross-section of Gadget, xfig source, in the offchance someone wants to improve it/convert it 20238 Kwantus 20031014234650
Image:Morphy-brunswick-isouard-chess.pgn 1020 The opera box game in Portable Game Notation. 3113 Camembert 20031023001650
Image:44cov12.jpe 19850 adding the cover for Yazhou Zhoukan 27274 Gp34sytung 20031028160826
Image:AIA2002_tile.jpe 20479 Asian Innovation Award 2003 26979 Gp22chanel 20031028210750
Image:Rush_Limbaugh_Newsweek_cover_October_20_2003 8723 Rush Limbaugh Newsweek cover October 20 2003 22105 JamesDay 20031028214117
Image:SOHO_solar_flare_sun_MPEG_20031026_eit_304.mpeg 981505 SOHO solar flare sun MPEG 20031026_eit_304 22105 JamesDay 20031029004922
Image:DesarguesTheorem.pdf 5847 Desargues' theorem illustrated 4626 Michael Hardy 20031111025653
Image:Thastevens 54574 Thaddeus Stevens 25253 AlexPlank 20031113201105
Image:Immortal_game.pgn 414 The immortal game in portable game notation. 3113 Camembert 20031122004007
Image:Ear-red.sgf 2050 Ear-reddening game in SGF 10109 Evercat 20031122010011
Image:Evergreen.pgn 1541 Moves comment about the Evans Gambit to 4. b4 10109 Evercat 20031122013821
Image:Acads.pdf 6961 31455 Sumeet 20031122112358
Image:DesarguesHouse.pdf 3127 Desargues' theorem applied to perspective drawing 4626 Michael Hardy 20031205021419 670 simple hq9+ interpreter in Python as an example 8995 LittleDan 20031209015110
Image:デスクトップ 0 TokyoDisneyResortMap.png 25788 Araisyohei 20031209055355 437141 10049 Jiang 20031221181327 393181 10049 Jiang 20031221181700 669206 10049 Jiang 20031221182036 586283 10049 Jiang 20031222211858
Image:Hq9p.c 1460 HQ9+ compiler, written by me. 7586 Cyp 20031224011750
Image:Test_Card_J_0001 29469 Test Card J 0001 37056 SimonMayer 20040112174438
Image:040115_bd3b13cb990b0548ab4773e2beb05ed2.midi 1660 WikiTeX Music midi 36221 Danenberg 20040115061830
Image:Tomb_raider. 4320 35906 Ludraman 20040126111851
Image:Bump-map-demo-bumpy.pov 504 Just testing upload (this file is in the description for an existing image, being the source) 51 Brion VIBBER 20040130072027
Image:NewIPAchart.pdf 482500 redrawn by me (nohat) 13661 Nohat 20040131203034
Image:Movie_VHS_boogie_nights 142444 Boogie Nights VHS cover, fair use 6468 Zanimum 20040202153514
Image:Masterofgo.sgf 1558 Honinbo Shusai retirement game vs Kitani Minoru 10109 Evercat 20040207012152
Image:C_diff 95463 Photomicrograph of Clostridium difficile 8750 Statkit1 20040212214129
Image:Ride_Press_Shot 32364 Ride - Press Shot 41352 Neilinoz 20040223233840
Image:RideMark04 14188 Ride 04 41352 Neilinoz 20040224000229
Image:Capitol1800.jpe 150944 in the public domain. 8780 Kingturtle 20040224044642
Image:Manifestdestiny.jpe 449178 in public domain. taken from 8780 Kingturtle 20040224052557
Image:TJeff.jpe 102208 public domain. taken from 8780 Kingturtle 20040224055155
Image:Danielwebster2.jpe 149874 in the public domain. taken from 8780 Kingturtle 20040224055533
Image:Tylertoo.jpe 33320 in public domain. taken from 8780 Kingturtle 20040224060304
Image:Polkpolk.jpe 81138 Library of Congress. copied from 8780 Kingturtle 20040224060950
Image:Goldrush1849.jpe 143333 public domain. copied from 8780 Kingturtle 20040224061358
Image:Ztaylor.jpe 99511 Library of Congress. copied from 8780 Kingturtle 20040224061826
Image:Hclay2.jpe 174208 public domain. copied from 8780 Kingturtle 20040224062352
Image:Piercef.jpe 91408 Library of Congress. copied from 8780 Kingturtle 20040224063513
Image:Slavetreatment.jpe 67687 National Archives and Records Administration...copied from 8780 Kingturtle 20040224064211
Image:Gettysburg.jpe 86240 National Archives and Records Administration. copied from 8780 Kingturtle 20040224064611
Image:Fordstheater.jpe 87109 National Archives and Records Administration. copied from 8780 Kingturtle 20040224065053
Image:AppomattoxCourtHouse.jpe 100532 War Dept. copied from 8780 Kingturtle 20040224065532
Image:Rbhayes.jpe 77316 Library of Congress. copied from 8780 Kingturtle 20040224070212
Image:Jaygould2.jpe 110402 public domain. copied from 8780 Kingturtle 20040224070435
Image:1880campaign.jpe 121648 Library of Congress. copied from 8780 Kingturtle 20040224070759
Image:BenjaminHarrison2.jpe 72800 Library of Congress. copied from 8780 Kingturtle 20040224071133
Image:Bryan1899.jpe 116213 National Archives and Records Administration. copied from 8780 Kingturtle 20040224072018
Image:Boxer1900.jpe 79134 National Archives and Records Administration...copied from 8780 Kingturtle 20040224072422
Image:Goldmanberkman.jpe 86545 National Archives and Records Administration. copied from 8780 Kingturtle 20040224072914
Image:HazelCarter.jpe 76673 National Archives and Records Administration copied from 8780 Kingturtle 20040224073438
Image:Gasmask.jpe 88639 National Archives and Records Administration. copied from 8780 Kingturtle 20040224074555
Image:Sexism.jpe 101071 Library of Congress. 8780 Kingturtle 20040224074906
Image:Ghz1.jpe 15470 triad1 46799 47tracypang 20040225043132
Image:Ghz2.jpe 18347 triad2 46799 47tracypang 20040225043433
Image:Ghz3.jpe 16189 triad 3 46799 47tracypang 20040225043500
Image:Ghz13m.jpe 15128 triad4 46799 47tracypang 20040225043526 819021 Jack Russell 15130 Fuzheado 20040225051354
Image:Kabul.jpg.jpe 138428 1986 U.S. Department of State: copied from 8780 Kingturtle 20040226065334 5257 44634 Vital component 20040227071439 6290 44634 Vital component 20040227071653 203405 44634 Vital component 20040227103926
Image:RIgeo.jpg.jpe 32065 Public domain. taken from 8780 Kingturtle 20040228231250
Image:Eisenhower-young.jpe 271934 original source: Franklin D. Roosevelt Library; copied from 8780 Kingturtle 20040229102830
Image:Jedgarh.jpe 108516 original source: Franklin D. Roosevelt Library; copied from 8780 Kingturtle 20040229105107
Image:Zog2.jpe 122147 original source: Illustrated London News; copied from 8780 Kingturtle 20040229105932
Image:Hitler1938.jpe 373325 Source: National Archives 208-N-39843. copied from 8780 Kingturtle 20040229113507
Image:Gibralter2.jpe 338902 original source: Illustrated London News; copied from 8780 Kingturtle 20040229120409
Image:Kinggeorge-FDR.jpe 127058 original source: Illustrated London News; copied from 8780 Kingturtle 20040229201812
Image:Queenmum-eleanor.jpe 131082 8780 Kingturtle 20040229202816
Image:Dogracing.jpe 140055 source: Macau Information Web 2004 46884 13oitinglo 20040302120929
Image:Affair1.jpe 12238 46799 47tracypang 20040303113724
Image:Topeng2_r1_c1.jpe 9482 46799 47tracypang 20040303124054
Image:Inspiration_front.JPg 31160 rebreather inspiration front 42906 Mark.murphy 20040304231030
Image:Gamut.tar.gz 18933 New version 25806 Hankwang 20040305203544
Image:Eroica1.m4a 472457 46083 Cantus 20040306015310
Image:Eroica2.m4a 639515 46083 Cantus 20040306020215
Image:Eroica3.m4a 498092 46083 Cantus 20040306020442
Image:Eroica4.m4a 691468 46083 Cantus 20040306021332
Image:A_Communicative_Structure.pdf 125624 49563 Boeder 20040307081856
Image:Christmas_traditions.doc 32256 Estonian Christmas Traditions in the past 49656 Annika a 20040307164648
Image:Christmas_food_in_Estonia.doc 25600 Estonian Christmas food in the past 49656 Annika a 20040307164934
Image:FoodAnnika03.ppt 69632 Estonian Christmas and Christmas Food in the Past 49656 Annika a 20040307165547
Image:Traditional_menu.xls 18944 Traditional menu for Christmas in Estonia (50 and 100 years ago) 49656 Annika a 20040307165753 428 44634 Vital component 20040307185352
Image:Dagestan_in_RUSSIAN.pdf 12642 40047 Daniel Nagy 20040308041246 10902 Billy Price 49891 Leland 20040308125052
Image:Independencehall.jpe 38420 compressed 7279 Minesweeper 20040311043746 1994662 NARA 44378 Perl 20040311191304
Image:Sabi_head_shots_3.11.04_013_(2) 222891 Photo of Sabrina (ScarletDecember) taken 3-11-04 {{GFDL}} 50883 ScarletDecember 20040311234754 9867 44634 Vital component 20040312101402
Image:The_Manchineel_tree2.doc 25088 Description of the Manchineel Tree 51636 Jjrsf1 20040315005610
Image:Zandvoort. 6301 View of Zandvoort Circuit 35745 Fromentin 20040317073401
Image:Archivehuman 20480 Human archives, or organised public or corporate


52584 Bostock 20040317232018
Image:Generals_in_the_British_Army3.doc 106496 GBGenerals 51254 Dainamo 20040319022702
Image:Voronoi_Diagrams.doc 478208 Voronoi Diagrams 54080 Nackman 20040323015424
Image:EdRickenbacker2.jpe 45627 larger 7279 Minesweeper 20040323100712
Image:Waalbrug_Nijmegen2.jpe 34992 {{GFDL}} 36169 Rik G. 20040331120230
Image:Cards.swf 37393 {{fairuse}} 20842 AaronSw 20040401235302
Image:Dixon,_Adam_-_Operating_System_Survey.xls 27648 Spreadsheet 4424 Addixon 20040406185003
Image:Strouds_Run_-_Dow_Lake_2 75431 Dow Lake at Strouds Run State Park 3212 Jaknouse 20040409020718
Image:David_Rice_Atkinson 0 biography 58977 Stuartbrown 20040410122156
Image:Org.el 196928 org.el - Wikipedia outline-mode for Emacs 41205 HelgeHan 20040415131833
Image:Christian_4._af_Danmark,_malet_af_Pieter_Isaacsz_1611-1616 22257 58707 Danuas 20040417012437
Image:Old_Trailer.mpg 0 2003 trailer 60814 Ratboy 20040417205857
Image:Lasker.pdf 298143 Lasker letter 47695 Canon 20040418222628
Image:Newsday.pdf 93907 scan of article in Newsday 47695 Canon 20040418223408
Image:Newsday2.pdf 364560 second Newsday article 47695 Canon 20040418230858 1429919 from {{PD}} 10049 Jiang 20040418235409 569332 Transparent copy of madrid-metro-map.png, uploaded as requested. Created by 01:47, 15 Oct 2004 (UTC). {{GFDL}} 3378 Montrealais 20040422045414
Image:Mancala_hole.xcf 463489 Gimp source file for Mancala_hole_(x) diagrams. 37386 Kevin Saff 20040424031111
Image:220V_DC_Operating_Procedure.doc 42496 opearting procedure 62511 Rkmishra301 20040424061818
Image:AlonFriedman-proposals.doc 28672 Alon Friedman Proposal 62588 AlonFriedman 20040424163927
Image:Childhood_novel_by_L 9864 Book cover taken from a picture of the book 62951 Trevor L. Driscoll 20040426011029
Image:My_virtual_world.br5.pct 1229436 I made it 62951 Trevor L. Driscoll 20040426024003
Image:Fasicuculus_chemicus_frontispiece.tif 182832 Dee frontispiece 11419 Norwikian 20040426080448
Image:Colorblindpalette.m 3157 Bugfix... 25806 Hankwang 20040427152559
Image:Boishkhi.ttf 136304 boshakhi 63493 Hiwamy 20040428225304
Image:Al_zulfiqar.ram 995969 64304 Musa 20040430151638
Image:Practical_Planning_Exercise_Two.doc 39424 -temp upload,pardon abuse- 45382 Nsh 20040504153657
Image:Wikianalysis.xls 23552 21013 Raul654 20040505064532
Image:PeterLawford 0 peter lawford 65924 Bigvito 20040506054431
Image:Royal_grammar_school_worcester_crest.doc 45056 Crest of Royal grammar School worcester 65968 D301ds 20040506111409
Image:Guild_species_list.doc 56320 A dictionary of some of the species of the Gryphon Guild 65778 Pengryphon 20040507175959 36251 44634 Vital component 20040509204907 33793 44634 Vital component 20040509205008 13664 44634 Vital component 20040509205054 2030 44634 Vital component 20040509205228
Image:TV_video_the_best_of_kermit_on_sesame_street 42836 The Best of Kermit on Sesame Street, video cover, deemed fair use 6468 Zanimum 20040511153949
Image:Wagner_Tristan_opening.midi 494 The opening of Richard Wagner's Tristan und Isolde 3113 Camembert 20040511164808
Image:Nickberg01 40039 Nick Berg, before being beheaded in Iraq by militants 35390 Cecropia 20040511220237
Image:Peacock_Mating_Call.mp4 503240 Peacock mating call 49891 Leland 20040512172504
Image:Cid_Statue_in_Burgos,_Spain 18539 UCLA Website, a public university. Fair use. 68411 Neutrality 20040515175050
Image:GPRS_tunnelling_protocol.fig 996 Original diagram of the protocol stack of the GPRS in FIG format 65193 Mozzerati 20040516073700
Image:GPRS_core_structure.sxd 7216 Corrected switched over interface labels. 65193 Mozzerati 20040516103710
Image:Aer773.pdf 504105 food stamp document public domain 7068 Gbleem 20040516184212
Image:Cid 18539 UCLA 68411 Neutrality 20040516213605 127857 Quicktime movie created by me using Starry Night Pro, a planetarium software package produced by the people at . 25466 LuckyWizard 20040517021306
Image:TiltonArch.jpe 28062 The Tilton Arch 68816 Edsanville 20040517051211 636081 zip file containing SVG map of USA with county borders 6264 Wapcaplet 20040518222845
Image:Rona_Sela_paragraph.pdf 19377 49830 Dagestan 20040519225557
Image:Belgium_employment.xcf 44468 Belgium employment (xcf) 17456 Itai 20040520011402
Image:Gsm_network.fig 63904 xfig original of gsm network diagram 65193 Mozzerati 20040521063623
Image:The_Greatest_Sedition_is_Silence_Four_Years_in_America_by_William_Rivers_Pitt_2003 37952 68411 Neutrality 20040522000115
Image:WarOnIraq1 13455 WRP Pitt 68411 Neutrality 20040522014702
Image:Tower4.class 4801 Java applet - tower of hanoi game 63601 Tomruen 20040522053526
Image:Berg-chair.jpe 4334 image-still from Berg decapitation video 8780 Kingturtle 20040522174019
Image:Lynndie-chair.jpe 10139 Pfc. Lynddie England 8780 Kingturtle 20040522180142
Image:Prison-chair.jpe 9407 Prison abuse photo 8780 Kingturtle 20040522181707
Image:Alfred_Wintle_-_the_last_English_eccentric 0 This article which may read like a tall story true, and is intended for the 'Eccentrics' page. It was culled from numerous internet sources and from personal memory, and made into an article by me, Alan Merryweather. 71204 AMIEL 20040525210312
Image:FourStrokeCycle.mpg 263148 Animation illustrating the Four-stroke cycle. Created by Wapcaplet in Blender. 6264 Wapcaplet 20040526005747
Image:Palmach.jpe 21631 Palmach logo 41230 Orbis Tertius 20040526035515
Image:Wintle2.doc 27136 The last great English Eccentric. An article about a notable eccentric, which whilst readingie a spoof is true. Info has beengleaned from many Internet sources - incl personal memory and made into an article. 71204 AMIEL 20040526075431
Image:Reggie_Holt_Slam_Dunk 24770 Slam dunk 26995 Chris 73 20040526085330
Image:Anieye11.pict 8136 rotating eye from public domain. 67241 Tmxxine 20040529050723
Image:Alex_chilton_1990s._jpg 14088 photo of Alex Chilton, 1990s; frm Bar/None record label site, link:, {{ GFDL}} 71500 Eddhurt 20040529191633
Image:Painter's_algorithm.psp.bz2 43786 26675 Fredrik 20040530150148
Image:INFINITY.rtf 7504 Infinity defined on a circular number line 70400 Tkawas 20040601032114
Image:Braillemusicsummary.dxb 3182 Braille Music Summary in Duxbury Direct braille format 73014 Bhugh 20040601043529
Image:GoreBush 55441 35792 ChrisDJackson 20040601072144
Image:St_Edward_Crowns.tif 493776 My montage of military cap badges 54836 Garryq 20040601100534
Image:Tudor_Crowns.tif 416836 My montage of printed and military cap badge versions 54836 Garryq 20040601100756
Image:Ipsos.xls 55808 Approval ratings (percentages) for the 2004 Canadian federal election, created by Nicholas Moreau, public domain 6468 Zanimum 20040603150804
Image:Proxypreparation.pdf 19340 74293 Ctdean 20040605235207
Image:Doc1.doc 45056 NSA seal 74358 Wassim 20040606064655
Image:Adam_Gottlob_Oehlenschla 39766 da:Billede:Adam Gottlob Oehlenschl�ger.jpg, Billede af statuen af Adam Gottlob Oehlenschläger i Frederiksberg have taget af Brian Hansen den 25-02-2003, image of statu 59159 Badanedwa 20040608231551
Image:HighAdm2.tif 236342 High Admiral Version One 63572 Husnock 20040609020541
Image:Square-test.xls 13824 delete me b 74293 Ctdean 20040610172335
Image:Phoebe_saturn_moon 7616 {{PD}} an image of saturn's moon phoebe, taken by NASA's cassini spacecraft 75183 Zbreakitinhalf 20040611030946
Image:Taiwan_map.jpg9-smaller-corrected-empty.psd 101033 Map of Taiwan. by User:spencer195 42891 Spencer195 20040612015052
Image:Poly.pov 13343 +Right prisms, antiprisms, bipyramids (the ones that are dual to right prisms) and the trapezohedron-things. 7586 Cyp 20040612130356
Image:Big_star_72._jpg 90472 big star in 1972; from; {{GFDL}} 71500 Eddhurt 20040615023923
Image:Nmciswem.pdf 625741 A New Monotonic and Clone-Independent Single-Winner Election Method 76045 MarkusSchulze 20040615172732
Image:Charts_mathematica.nb 9592 Mathematica notebook used to generate some charts. {{GFDL}} © 2004 72856 Chmod007 20040616013059
Image:El_Cid_Statue 18539 Statue of El Cid Campeador in the Cid's hometown of Burgos. From the University of California -- Los Angles 68411 Neutrality 20040616180452
Image:NO_IMAGE_YET 1370 black box, white field, single line red text "NO IMAGE YET"; original work, user:badanedwa. 59159 Badanedwa 20040616221010
Image:Graner 53593 Fair use. 68411 Neutrality 20040618040953
Image:Frequency_reuse.fig 4588 frequency reuse in cellular networks - FIG original 65193 Mozzerati 20040619080452
Image:Cid_Statue_Burgos_Spain 93346 Fair use for EL CID: It is a historically signifcant photo of a famous individual; the photo is only being used for informational purposes. 68411 Neutrality 20040620144440
Image:ElCidCampeador 93346 Fair use for EL CID: It is a historically signifcant photo of a famous individual; the photo is only being used for informational purposes. 68411 Neutrality 20040620145227
Image:Mayor-nyc.jpe 51446 Library of Congress Prints and Photographs Division Washington, D.C. 20540 USA 8780 Kingturtle 20040621102219
Image:1984_fictious_world_map.psd 1273690 spelling correction 72856 Chmod007 20040622053012
Image:WikiReaderShakespeare-mockup.pdf 581709 See Wikipedia:WikiReader/William Shakespeare 30200 Sverdrup 20040628162356
Image:WikiReader_Free_Software_and_Free_Contents.pdf 693980 just a preview, GNU FDL of course 7694 TomK32 20040628205512
Image:Sanlucar_de_Barrameda_2 29849 A map representing the city of Sanlucar de Barrameda on the delta of the Guadalquivir River. 68411 Neutrality 20040628232705 103207 Universal (Australia) B2B Registered User Terms and Agreements, July 2004 75749 Ta bu shi da yu 20040629013443
Image:Japanese_Imperial_Palace_garden2.jpe 66774 Paranoid's photo, with shadows lightened, second try 70428 Fg2 20040629125558
Image:Graph_coordinates_--_Miller.doc 19456 partial graph 83174 Sewsl 20040701085909
Image:Norfolk 0 Norfolk skyline 83230 Jarratt5 20040701152448
Image:The_Conuerors_Screenshot_Open 76582 68411 Neutrality 20040702163526
Image:The_Conquerors_Screenshot_Open 76582 68411 Neutrality 20040702163612
Image:Eureka_Stockade 50674 68411 Neutrality 20040703173426
Image:Japan_downfall.psd 388152 21013 Raul654 20040704023913
Image:Wikipedia.doc 27648 Origins of paper and manufacture of corrugated board 83680 TonyPinnington 20040704091326
Image:John_Geddes_Lawrence_and_Tyron_Garner_2 14166 68411 Neutrality 20040705043722
Image:Seikilos.midi 640 MIDI file of the Seikilos epitaph melody 46265 Chinasaur 20040705211752
Image:Meletius_Smotrisky_Cyrillic_Alphabet.TIF 11122 Scanned from Грамматики Словенския правилное синта& 49725 A. Shetsen 20040711170511
Image:Cache,associative-fill-both.dia 3311 Source for Cache,associative-fill-both.png 35676 Iain.mcclatchie 20040712172334
Image:Donate.swf 1047 Personal Wiki use {{pd}} 53329 OldakQuill 20040712230410
Image:Donate2.swf 2104 Personal Wiki Use 53329 OldakQuill 20040712231223
Image:Chinghiz_Aitmatov.tif 1812852 84232 Morenita Goldie 20040714103744
Image:Wmp10.jpe 470159 Windows Media Player 10 beta 83945 Andros 1337 20040716205452
Image:BowTieTying.sxd 15531 How to tie a bow tie 26995 Chris 73 20040717094720
Image:Lib._Dem._Logo 1296 LDP 82144 Hiroshi66 20040718053312
Image:Jiminto 1296 LiberalDemocraticPartyLogo 82144 Hiroshi66 20040718054308
Image:Dpj 721 DPJ 82144 Hiroshi66 20040718055422
Image:Wikireader_cryptography.pdf 1907224 {{GFDL}} 50457 Matt Crypto 20040718220531
Image:Shields.tar.bz2 522240 SVG sources of various academic heraldic shields


42385 Lupin 20040719071310
Image:LampFlowchart.dia 1800 Dia diagram for Image:LampFlowchart.png. Created by Wapcaplet. {{GFDL}} 6264 Wapcaplet 20040721024214
Image:Battle_of_Aboukir_Bay.xcf.gz 123287 GIMP source for Image:Battle_of_Aboukir_Bay.png 646 Gsl 20040721104649
Image:Cape_Helles_landing_map.xcf.gz 171848 GIMP source for Image:Cape Helles landing map.jpg 646 Gsl 20040722115512
Image:Waterloo_campaign_map.xcf.gz 144513 GIMP source for Image:Waterloo campaign map.png 646 Gsl 20040722120229
Image:Crypto_diagrams.tgz 280639 Added cbc_decryption.png 38470 Lunkwill 20040722162125
Image:Cafeichigo13.jpe 30350 For Kigurumi. Permission given by creator herself. From 6468 Zanimum 20040723012815
Image:Game_of_the_century.pgn 637 3113 Camembert 20040723201228
Image:Sidereal_day_(prograde).graffle 28945 OmniGraffle source for Image:Sidereal day (prograde).png 55814 Gdr 20040723213711
Image:Knights_tour.graffle 49037 OmniGraffle source for Image:Knights tour.png. {{GFDL}} 55814 Gdr 20040725091048
Image:Knights_tour_solution_2.graffle 23143 OmniGraffle source for Image:Knights tour solution 2.png {{GFDL}} 55814 Gdr 20040725143718
Image:Knights_tour_solution_1.graffle 22384 OmniGraffle source for Image:Knights tour solution 1.png {{GFDL}} 55814 Gdr 20040725143719
Image:Knights_tour_solution_4.graffle 26042 OmniGraffle source for Image:Knights tour solution 4.png {{GFDL}} 55814 Gdr 20040725143728
Image:Knights_tour_solution_3.graffle 27659 OmniGraffle source for Image:Knights tour solution 3.png {{GFDL}} 55814 Gdr 20040725143734
Image:Knights_tour_solution_Warnsdorff.graffle 23491 OmniGraffle source for Image:Knights tour solution Warnsdorff.png {{GFDL}} 55814 Gdr 20040725143804
Image:Quadrilateral_hierarchy.graffle 49175 OmniGraffle source for Image:Quadrilateral hierarchy.png. 55814 Gdr 20040726134623
Image:Chart.jpe 35400 studies linking creativity to manic depression 89170 Katielyn 20040727144135
Image:SirWilliamRowanHamilton.jpe 7668 {{PD}} 36169 Rik G. 20040727171046
Image:Ratgirl_et_al 0 gasboy's family.. aint they cute? {{gnu fdl}} 53495 Erich gasboy 20040728123944
Image:Wang_Chongyang.wps 1470464 Written by myself and picture is PermissionAndFairUse 65054 Lord mengchang 20040729111214
Image:ActionPotential.sxd 9921 Action potential vector graphic 26995 Chris 73 20040729232310
Image:DwButtercup.1jpg 235231 Buttercup 36346 Dwindrim 20040731235548
Image:Cache,missrate.gnuplot 1774 Source for Image:Cache,missrate.png 35676 Iain.mcclatchie 20040801060029
Image:Cache,hierarchy-example.dia 2606 Source for [[Image:Cache,hierarchy-example.png] 35676 Iain.mcclatchie 20040801084019
Image:Boston_quiz.doc 132608 21013 Raul654 20040801230814
Image:Battle_of_Coronel_map.xcf.gz 92483 GIMP source for Image:Battle_of_Coronel_map.png 646 Gsl 20040803031933
Image:Dogman 0 essay 91198 Dogman 20040804124401
Image:Wikipedia_syntax_and_templates.TCL 1711 TextPad clip library for Wikipedia syntax and templates 81079 AlexG 20040804220337
Image:TN-1X.pdf 296813 Nortel TN 1X 91391 Pawan kr 20040805102255
Image:Pefect_circular_lie_(aesthectic_diagram) 0 90589 R.B. 20040807032753
Image:Physical_cosmology 0 90589 R.B. 20040807034146
Image:Perfect_circular_lie_(_aesthetic_diagram) 0 90589 R.B. 20040807035428 1994 91745 Juromaru 20040807051936 2162 91745 Juromaru 20040807053740 14482 Vexations (Erik Satie), complete - MIDI - zipped 85402 Francis Schonken 20040808105304
Image:Wikistress.psd 469144 working file for Image:Wikistress1.png series 4099 Stevertigo 20040808194916
Image:Legend_of_the_Brahan_Seer.wpd 9904 I made it myself 46789 Anthony Dent 20040809210532
Image:Wikipedia.vim 14414 nested bold/italic sections now display correctly 4319 Bdesham 20040811042459
Image:Cache,basic.dia 25968 Fix incorrect tag 35676 Iain.mcclatchie 20040811194155
Image:Infrared_hurricane_bob.mpg 619141 This visualization shows the movement of Hurricane Bob along the east coast of the United States in August of 1991.

Each frame represents an infrared satellite image at one-hour time steps starting at 12:00 a.m. August 17th, and ending at 7:00 a.m. on

75749 Ta bu shi da yu 20040814084008 8359 MLL Baltimore Bayhawks 12429 Smith03 20040814153140
Image:Dardanelles_defences_1915.xcf.gz 117120 updated 646 Gsl 20040815050634
Image:Blue-Circle_Barge,_Thames_Barge_Race_at_Gravesend.Gif 72257 Blue-Circle Barge, Thames Barge Race at Gravesend (Gif-img) 70800 Faedra 20040816090014
Image:Brad_carson 32274 Brad Carson addresses his Veterans Advisory Committee. From his official House website, {{PD}} 31618 Meelar 20040818131824
Image:Outlook_Express_Macintosh.Png 14690 Outlook Express 5 running under Mac OS 9 {{screenshot}} 81714 33451 20040820155709
Image:Sanibelcityseal.jpe 27068 city seal of Sanibel, Florida 15970 Radiojon 20040822005438
Image:Ben_More_(Mull) 28605 51238 Deus Ex 20040828122617
Image:Topsig.psd 360622 87642 ToraryuKawabata 20040902173616
Image:SCT 34743 Shri Chithira Thirunal Balarama Varma Maharajah 100172 Victor Tango 20040903042807
Image:Battle_of_the_Somme_1916_map.xcf.gz 171483 646 Gsl 20040904083430
Image:Nuke.sql 79860 100821 Banawit 20040905051448
Image:Tdma-frame-structure.fig 3938 diagram of TDMA framing and timeslot structure; by me; GFDL or ask 65193 Mozzerati 20040905124823
Image:Trinity_College 8046 Trinity College Header. Official Crest 102686 Matt Tilleard 20040909023121
Image:Izzat_Ibrahim_al-Douri 24826 6523 172 20040909203950
Image:Cache,associative-read.dia 2565 Fixed data SRAM addressing range 35676 Iain.mcclatchie 20040910061900
Image:Www_usda_gov_Acceptence_Test_for_Digital.pdf 183912 Acceptence Tests of Digital Sys 103182 Shahoodh 20040910063609 760355 Doppler radar animation of Hurricane Charley {{PD}} 103430 Foobaz 20040911030032
Image:2000VoterData.doc 0 2000FlVoterData 103573 Shopkins718 20040911045410
Image:Wolverine-limited-series-001.jpe 45319 wolverine #1 from fan site, fair use 85990 Rorschach567 20040911222834
Image:Wikipedia-mode.el 15807 bugfix 45 CYD 20040916124156
Image:Buster_Keaton_-_Stoneface.doc 28160 106159 VR 20040917024514 642795 AstOrb Browser for asteroidal elements 68509 Urhixidur 20040917132602
Image:Xxx 0 no longer used 38775 Marnanel 20040918164553
Image:MenstrualCycle.sxd 18890 update 26995 Chris 73 20040920132900
Image:ElevatorHannoverNewCityHallSketch.sxd 2643410 sketch of the elevator in hannover 26995 Chris 73 20040920145408
Image:7._Organizovanost_privrede_u_opstini,_strana_315-318.pdf 51 fixing database problem 47960 Guanaco 20040920202211
Image:Chinese_economy.doc 24576 Progression of the Chinese economy since the formal establishment of the Communist Party of China in 1949. 107556 Cassyyork 20040920202659
Image:Kwun_Tong_Line.jpe 3577 107707 Cheung1303 20040921015736
Image:West_Rail.jpe 248712 107707 Cheung1303 20040921022342
Image:The_DMZ_and_the_Poplar_Tree.doc 21504 107470 LemonSoother 20040921025518
Image:Tetrakis_Hexahedron.wrl 138642 A VRML file I created using Simply 3D 2, displaying a tetrakis hexahedron. {{GFDL}} 107484 Jeodesic 20040921173842
Image:Map 0 108291 Rward 20040922011919
Image:Tetrakis_hexahedron.wrl 138642 A VRML file I created using Simply 3D 2, displaying a tetrakis hexahedron. {{GFDL}} 107484 Jeodesic 20040922184442
Image:Military.doc 27136 The Military Revolution 93461 Ndewitz 20040922202206
Image:19950620.jpe 99119 107707 Cheung1303 20040923003756
Image:Book_Brought_to_You_by_._._._Sesame_Street 59418 Brought to You by . . . Sesame Street #1!, book {{fair use}} 6468 Zanimum 20040930130422
Image:Dignetbk.pdf 1092196 Associative Digital Network Theory (New book.pdf [1 MB] : engineering synthesis of State-Machines, Arithmetic and Logic) 114355 Benschop 20041006174117
[[:Image:]] 0 50242 JillandJack 20041014173045
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