Kathy Sullivan (American politician)

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Kathy Sullivan is the chairwoman of the Democratic Party in the state of New Hampshire. She has been an avid critic of the DNC's attempts to change the primary calendar to decrease the influence of the New Hampshire Primary. She has been referred to as a hero because of her efforts to bring justice to the illegal efforts of the Republican Party to jam the election day phone lines of the NH Democrats in 2002. Two Republican leaders have been sentenced to prison.

Sullivan was first elected State Chairwoman in 1999. Currently serving in her fourth term, she is the longest serving chair of the New Hampshire Democratic Party. She is the managing partner of the New Hampshire law firm Wadleigh, Starr and Peters.

Sullivan is the daughter of the late Henry and Mary Sullivan. Henry was an attorney in Manchester, New Hampshire, former state senator, representative and school board member. Henry was a candidate for the Democratic nomination for governor in 1968. Henry was also a member of the Democratic National Committee (1952-1956) and chairman of the Manchester City Democrats. Mary, a registered nurse, served as a NH state representative from 1976-1988.

Kathy Sullivan is married to John Rist, the principal of Manchester's Central High School, New Hampshire's largest and most ethnically diverse high school.

State Chairs of the Democratic Party

AL: Joe Turnham
AK: Jake Metcalf
AZ: David Waid
AR: Jason Willette
CA: Art Torres
CO: Pat Waak
CT: Nancy DiNardo
DE: John D. Daniello
FL: Karen Thurman
GA: Bobby Kahn

HI: Mike McCartney
ID: Richard H. Stallings
IL: Michael J. Madigan
IN: Dan Parker
IA: Sally Pederson
KS: Lawrence Gates
KY: Jerry Lundergan
LA: Christopher Whittington
ME: Ben Dudley
MD: Terry Lierman

MA: Phillip Johnston
MI: Mark Brewer
MN: Brian Melendez
MS: Wayne Dowdy
MO: Roger B. Wilson
MT: Dennis McDonald
NE: Steve Achelpol
NV: Tom Collins
NH: Kathy Sullivan
NJ: Joseph Cryan

NM: John Wertheim
NY: Denny Farrell, Jr.
NC: Jerry Meek
ND: David Strauss
OH: Chris Redfern
OK: Lisa Pryor
OR: Jim Edmunson
PA: T.J. Rooney
RI: Bill Lynch
SC: Joe Erwin

SD: Judith Olson Duhamel
TN: Gray Sasser
TX: Boyd Richie
UT: Wayne Holland
VT: Peter Mallary
VA: C. Richard Cranwell
WA: Dwight Pelz
WV: Nick Casey
WI: Joe Wineke
WY: Mike Gierau