Kasumi Shinto-ryu Kenjutsu

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Kasumi Shinto-ryu Kenjutsu, or (Shinto-ryu Kenjutsu), is one of the names used to describe the collection of sword versus sword kata (training method) for the long and short sword found exclusively in the Japanese martial arts system Shinto Muso-ryu.

It comprises twelve standing kata, eight of which are for the daito (longsword) and 4 with the shoto (shortsword).

[edit] The 12 modern kata of Kasumi Shinto-ryu Kenjutsu:

Using the Daito.

  • 1. Aisui Migi
  • 2. Aisui Hidari
  • 3. Juu
  • 4. Chibarai
  • 5. Sarin
  • 6. Ukenagashi
  • 7. Nitoai - attacker uses both Daito and Shoto at once
  • 8. Surikomi

Using the Shoto.

  • 9. Inchu
  • 10. Ukekaeshi
  • 11. Miukedome
  • 12. Tsukidashi

This school is a part of the martial art Shinto Muso-ryu founded by Muso Gonnosuke and is generally not taught separately. Please Note: The name "Kasumi" Shinto-ryu is not the universal way of naming the twelve sword-kata. The discovery of the name "Kasumi" was made from recent research into the history of "Shinto Muso-ryu" but is yet to be confirmed by more sources. The most common and older way of naming the twelve sword-kata in SMR is "Shinto-ryu Kenjutsu", a name that appeared in the mid 1800s. The longer name "Shinto Muso-ryu Kenjutsu" is also used.

[edit] References

  • Pascal Krieger: Jodô - la voie du bâton / The way of the stick (bilingual French/English), Geneva (CH) 1989, ISBN 2-9503214-0-2
  • Matsui, Kenji . 1993. The History of Shindo Muso Ryu Jojutsu, translated by Hunter Armstrong (Kamuela, HI: International Hoplological Society)