User:Karmafist/Wikipedians' Political Perspectives/Archive 1

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*=Additional Data
Username Economic Social Political Subdivision* Country* Notes*
karmafist -5.38 -4.72 Merrimack, New Hampshire United States
LotLE -9.13 -8.72 Turners Falls, MA United States Classic anarcho-syndicalist, apparently :-)
RPharazon -1.38 2.36
OwenX 5.63 -5.03 Mississauga, Ontario Canada
Sam Korn -5.18 -8.13 Monmouthshire, Wales UK
Demi -2.13 -3.18 Oregon United States "For Fun!"
Zocky -7.88 -5.23 Slovenia Supposedly, somewhere near Nelson Mandela
William M. Connolley -2.88 -5.54
Assawyer -1.38 2.10 New Hampshire United States
Novacatz -0.63 -3.54 Sydney Australia
ElectricRay 8.13 -6.56 London United Kingdom Taken with permission from Political Compass - which makes me look like a genuine free market, laissez faire, anarchist. Which isn't an unreasonable summary. ElectricRay 15:05, 8 December 2005 (UTC)
Robert Harrison -6.63 -3.59 Texas United States I was closer to Dalai Lama a couple years ago
Johnleemk -1.88 -2.00 Petaling Jaya Malaysia This test does not accurately represent unconventional views; I strongly believe in the free market, but I do not worship it as ultimate perfection.
Gentgeen 4.75 -1.64 California United States
__earth 2.25 -3.49 Kuala Lumpur Malaysia Libertarian Green!!! (high on you know what)
MONGO 3.0 1.51 Montana United States
TantalumTelluride -8.63 -7.74 Alabama United States Results are consistent with my self-classification as a democratic socialist.
FearÉireann -4.88 -4.92 Dublin Republic of Ireland Mmm. So I am close to the Dalai Lama and Nelson Mandela (nice) and far away from Blair, Pope Ben, Bush and Mugabe (even nicer).
Andylkl -2.88 -0.77 George Town, Penang Malaysia Seems fair enough. :)
WikiFanatic -5.25 -4.77
DDerby 0.50 -1.18 Flint, Michigan United States I view such quizzes with some suspicion.
Guettarda -4.13 -5.54 Norman, Oklahoma United States
android79 6.5 -2.36 Minnesota United States Not quite nuanced enough to be an accurate representation of my views, but good enough for a lil' quiz. I've taken this one a few times before and I find it puts me a little too far "east" and a little too far "north".
SCEhardt -3.88 -5.49 Houston, Texas United States
AdelaMae -1.88 -4.51 United States Being an independent, I kept looking for the "other" or "could you be more specific?" option.
Kirill Lokshin 4.25 3.95 Maryland United States
Talrias -5.38 -6.31 United Kingdom/New Zealand Added with permission
Hraban -7.00 -4.82 Belgium Added with permission
Jim62sch -5.63 -6.72 Philly US
GTBacchus -5.25 -5.85 Portland, Oregon United States Yeah, me and the Dalai Lama, we go way back...
User:Constanz -1.75 -2.26 Estonia I wouldn't regard that particar test a definitive one, depending on the test, I've recently been labelled as a 'Republican in name only', or 'conservative' etc. I would introduce myself as a non-partisan social liberal.
David Bergan -1.00 0.62 Madison, South Dakota United States Most of the questions felt slanted... but the slant went both ways. Better questions could be written. But I seem to have landed the closest to the middle.
Camillus -8.38 -5.08 Glasgow Scotland Relieved to see I'm not the most left-wing, social libertarian here.
User:Pete.Hurd -8.25 -6.92 Alberta Canada Man, I *did I ever* move to the right over the last 20-30y!
DTRemenak 7.75 2.31 California United States
Hitchhiker89 -3.88 -6.00 Loughborough United Kingdom
Sarge Baldy -7.25 -9.90 Oregon United States A lot of these questions assume too much to work properly for anarchists. As a piece of trivia, my score was +5.12/-2.97 in March 2003.
Mauro -7.63 -8.31 S.Giusta (Oristano) Italy
Kwekubo -3.75 -3.08 Dublin Ireland
Glowimperial -4.13 -6.97 San Pedro, California United States I felt that the limited answer options on the test lessens the accuracy of the data.
Lawyer2b 6.75 -.97 Fort Lauderdale, Florida United States It's a nice quiz and it needs some work. I believe in legalizing all drugs, prostitution, and sex for consenting adults, yet the quiz put me basically in the middle of the libertarian vs. authoritarian axis.
doktorb -4.00 -3.33 Preston Lancashire,UK Member of the Liberal Democrats (UK) so this seems quite in keeping with that
Mwanner -5.38 -6.92 New York United States Rather surprised to find myself so far to the southwest.
David Sneek -8.63 -9.08 Amsterdam the Netherlands
Endomion 4.63 -1.64 Seattle United States My quadrant isn't populated by celebrities on the test website.
Angr -4.88 -5.38 Berlin Germany What kind of a question is "Premarital sex is sometimes immoral"? Both liberals and conservatives could disagree with such a waffly statement, some saying it's never immoral, others saying it always is!
pfafrich -5.50 -5.90 Cornwall UK Only two dimensions. It would be fun to correlate these with MBTI. I'm not a number I'm a free man.
Angelo -6.15 -5.13 Mazara del Vallo Italy Very leftist, eh?!?
The Literate Engineer -8.63 -5.79 Nashville, TN United States "Strongly" doesn't begin to accurately describe the extent to which I agree or disagree with some of those...
Badgerpatrol -9.00 -6.46 Surrey United Kingdom Yikes. I hope MI5 aren't reading this or I shall expect a knock at the door...
Jakes18 -2.63 -0.10 Duluth, Minnesota United States I wouldn't really consider myself to the left in economic terms, but more of a distributist. Pro-life, pro-family, pro-peace Catholic.