Karl Weierstrass

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Karl Weierstrass
Karl Theodor Wilhelm Weierstrass (Weierstraß)
Karl Theodor Wilhelm Weierstrass (Weierstraß)
Born October 31, 1815
Ostenfelde, Westphalia
Died February 19, 1897
Berlin, Germany
Residence Germany
Nationality German
Field Mathematician
Institution Gewerbeinstitut
Alma mater University of Bonn
Münster Academy
Academic advisor Christoph Gudermann
Notable students Georg Cantor

Georg Frobenius
Lazarus Fuchs
Wilhelm Killing
Leo Königsberger
Mathias (Matyas) Lerch
Hans von Mangoldt
Richard Müller
Carl Runge
Arthur Schoenflies
Friedrich Schottky

Hermann Schwarz
Known for Weierstrass function

Karl Theodor Wilhelm Weierstrass (Weierstraß) (October 31, 1815February 19, 1897) was a German mathematician who is often cited as the "father of modern analysis".


[edit] Biography

Karl Weierstrass was born in Ostenfelde, Westphalia (today Germany).

He was the son of Wilhelm Weierstrass, a government official, and Theodora Vonderforst. His interest in mathematics began while he was a gymnasium student, and was sent to the University of Bonn upon graduation to prepare for a government position. Because his studies were to be in the fields of law, economics, and finance, he was immediately in conflict with his hopes to study mathematics. He resolved the conflict by paying little heed to his planned course of study, but continued private study in mathematics. The outcome was leaving the university without a degree. After that he studied mathematics at the University of Münster which was even to this time very famous for mathematics and his father was able to obtain a place for him in a teacher training school in Münster, and he later was certified as a teacher in that city. During this period of study, Weierstrass attended the lectures of Christoph Gudermann and became interested in elliptic functions.

After 1850 Weierstrass suffered from a long period of illness, but was able to publish papers that brought him fame and distinction. He took a chair at the Technical University of Berlin, then known as the Gewerbeinstitut. He was immobile for the last three years of his life, and died in Berlin from pneumonia.

[edit] Soundness of calculus

Weierstrass was interested in the soundness of calculus. At the time, there were ambiguous definitions regarding the fundaments of calculus, hence theorems could not be properly proven. While Bolzano had developed a reasonably rigorous definition of a limit as early as 1817 (and possibly even earlier) his work remained unknown to most of the mathematical community until years later, and other eminent mathematicians such as Cauchy had only vague definitions of limits and continuity of functions. Weierstrass defined continuity as follows:

\displaystyle f(x) is continuous at \displaystyle x = x_0 if for every \displaystyle \epsilon > 0\, \exists\,\delta > 0 such that

\displaystyle |x-x_0| < \delta \Rightarrow |f(x) - f(x_0)| < \epsilon.

Weierstrass also formulated similar definitions of limit and derivative still taught today.

With these new definitions he was able to write proofs of several at the time unproven theorems such as the intermediate value theorem, Bolzano-Weierstrass theorem and Heine-Borel theorem.

[edit] Selected works

[edit] Students of Karl Weierstrass

[edit] See also

[edit] External links

NAME Weierstrass, Karl
DATE OF BIRTH October 31, 1815
PLACE OF BIRTH Ostenfelde, Westphalia
DATE OF DEATH February 19, 1897
PLACE OF DEATH Berlin, Germany