Karl Rothammel

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Karl Rothammel (19141987) was an amateur radio enthusiast, author and educator. He published articles in the journal Radioamatér for five years, and authored several books [1] including Very High Frequencies and Practice of the Television Aerials. Rothammel was born in 1914 in Fürth, Bavaria; he died at the age of 73 in Sonneberg, Thüringen. Y21BK was his last amateur call sign.

[edit] Further reading

  • Rothammel, Karl; Alois Krischke (2001). Rothammels Antennenbuch : mit über 150 Tabellen (in German). Baunatal: DARC Verlag GmbH.. ISBN 3-88692-033-X. 

[edit] External links

[[DEFAULTSORT:Rothammel, Karl}}

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