Karam Apnaa Apnaa

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Karam Apnaa Apnaa is an Indian television series.

[edit] Story

Spoiler warning: Plot and/or ending details follow.

The central character of the story is Gauri Chatterjee, a Bengali girl who grew up in or near Calcutta. Her family consists of her father alok Chatterjee, a well-respected man who is the typical strict but loving father to his two daughters, Gauri and the younger Kaya, who hopes to become a doctor. His feelings towards his son are marred by his son and daughter-in-law's constant hankering for money and a more comfortable life. With these five lives Gauri, Kaya and their brother's maternal aunt, whom they address by the Bengali name for maternal aunts, Mashima.

Gauri has ben brought up to be the stereotypical 'good' girl. She's the perfect daughter, and will make someone the perfect wife. She's meek and does not voice her own opinion. She is also obedient to the point of lacking a will of her own, but all of these are treated as virtues by her father and her aunt, who put great value on unquestioning obedience to the authority of elders. Kaya is more outspoken and assertive, and often speaks on behalf of her sister when she feels her sister is being unjustly taken advantage of.

At the beginning of the serial, Gauri is of a marriageable age and her father has selected a stable, mild-mannered accountant called Shashank for her. Unaware of this, Gauri meets and starts liking Shashank secretly. This causes some confusion initially but soon things are sorted out and the wedding is due to take place soon. In the meanwhile, Mahin Kapoor and his family is introduced. Mahin and Alok are childhood friends, and his family -- with the exception of his vampish sister and daughter Palak -- adore Gauri. They are also very fond of Shashank, who is employed by the Kapoor's firm. In fact, such is their fondness for the pair that they insist on a grand wedding right after the wedding of their own daughter Palak at Mumbai, where the Kapoor family lives.

Things start going wrong when Gauri, Kaya, Alok and Mashima reach Mumbai. First Gauri catches Palak with her boyfriend in her room even while the ceremonies for her engagement with someone else is on. Palak runs out of the room when she hears people coming, leaving Gauri and her boyfriend in, which leads people to believe there is something betweent he two of them. However, matters are sorted out and Palak is engaged instead to her boyfriend, which she detests because he is not independently rich. Palak and her aunt become sworn enemies of Gauri and make their scorn for her middle-class family clear. This trouble causes some friction in Gauri and Shashank's relationship as well, however it is sorted out.

The arrival of Shiv(Yash Tonk), the Kapoor's son, however, complicates matters. Gauri reports a hit-and-run, unaware it was Shiv who was at the wheel. After much trouble and tears, this too is resolved, but Shiv takes a dislike to the conservative Gauri. He tries to frame Gauri and at the same time, influence his friend Shashank against her. He succeeds beyond his dreams when frames Gauri for theft. Even after her name is cleared, Shashank refuses to marry her, saying his family will never accept a girl with so many scandals to her name. The Chatterjees and the Kapoors both try to make Shashank see reason, and it looks like he relents, but then he fails to turn up at his own wedding. To save Gauri from being the humiliated rejected bride, The Kapoors force their own son Shiv to marry her. For a brief second, Gauri thinks she sees Shashank, but dismisses it as wishful thinking. The marriage is solemnised. When the news reaches Calcutta, Alok's son and daughter-in-law plot to sell the ancestral house and move to Mumbai to take advantage of Gauri's rich new relations.

The serial now focuses completely on the marital tensions of Shiv and Gauri and the odd accidents which keep happening to Gauri. Devika is introduced as a woman in her late middle age, who seems determined to break up the marriage. Later it is revealed that Shashank's refusal to marry Gauri was a part of the scheme to get Gauri to marry Shiv because Shiv is destined to die young unless he marries first and consummates his marriage so that his wife shall die instead and he shall be saved. Devika was aware of this. She was eager to save Gauri because Gauri is her granddaughter. Her daughter married Alok without her consent, therefore she alienated herself from the family, but after she met Gauri and Kaya, she was won over.

The latest developments after that is a hint tthat here is some secret about Gauri that made Shiv marry her which is yet to be uncovered. As matters stand, Gauri has left Shiv's house and her father is determined to get the divorce between them through. After leaving the house, Gauri can not live with out Shiv and comes back in to his life even though she knows death is written in her fate if she goes back to Shiv. But Shiv is in love with Ipshita.Gauri does not know that and thinks Shiv is only hers.Gauri fate was that great that it overpowered Shiv's fate so none of them could to die. Now what has happened is that Gauri is pregnant. Now Ipshits made a decision to marry Anupam. Shiv is torn in between now. On the other side Shiv's mother is trying to kill Shiv's baby. She gave Gauri the wrong pill and now is making up a fake story saying that if the baby comes in this world then it will bad for Shiv and he could to die.

Soon we come to know that the 15 year old portrait in his bedroom is Ipshita. Through this period Ipshita gets engaged to Anupam. Shiv is put in a state where he has to choose between to either leave Gauri even though she is pregnant with his child that are twins, or Ipshita his first childhood love. Soon he chooses Gauri on Ipshita's wedding day to Anupam because she is pregnant with his child and after her accident she needs Shiv unlike Ipshita.

The story moves on 5 years later, Where Shiv is now running the household and buisness instead of his father, Mahen. Shiv and Gauri not only have ther twins but they have a third child, Shanti who at the age of 3 is being influenced by her naughty two 5 year old twin brothers. Later on after the few hilairious episodes of the adventures and misheif of the twins Ipshita is coming back from London after her book release Called 'Fate'.

[edit] References

Now, gauri has realised that she cannot live without Shiv and comes back to the Kapoor house. when Gauri's father hears about this he declares that for him Gauri is dead. on the night of KarvaChauth Shiv cannot take the way he has betrayed Gauri and goes away from the house. Then Ipshitta goes to find Shiv where Shiv tells Ipshitta how much he loves her and Ipshitta knows that as well. Ipshitta and Shiv have known each other since they were kids. They fell in love when they where teenagers. When shiv's mum knew about his destiny they married him to gauri. Shiv has got this portrait of a girl that was his first love gauri knows about that but she doesn't know that the girl is only Ipshitta.

5 years later Gauri and Shiv have 3 children and they are naughty. Vivan still loves Kaaya.