Karaethon Cycle

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The Karaethon Cycle is a set of prophecies in Robert Jordan's The Wheel of Time series of novels.

The Karaethon Cycle says that the Dragon will be reborn on the slopes of Dragonmount, where he died during the Breaking of the World.

"He will be of the ancient blood, and raised by the old blood."
This is a reference to Rand's heritage being of ancient blood (his mother was from the Royal Bloodline of Andor and his father was the Chief of an Aiel Clan) and being raised by old blood (the people of Two Rivers, who are descendants of Manetheren)

"When the winds of Tarmon Gai'don scour the earth, he will face the Shadow and bring forth Light again in the world."

"Twice and twice shall he be marked,
twice to live and twice to die.
Once the heron, to set his path.
Twice the heron, to name him true.
Once the Dragon, for remembrance lost.
Twice the Dragon, for the price he must pay."
"Twice dawns the day when his blood is shed.
Once for mourning, once for birth.
Red on black, the Dragon's blood stains the rock of Shayol Ghul.
In the Pit of Doom shall his blood free men from the Shadow."
The Great Hunt - Chapter 26, pg. 387

This is a reference, at first to the two herons branded into Rands hands. The first happened at The Eye of the World while fighting Ishamael, 'setting' his path towards admitting to him self that he is the Dragon Reborn. The second occurred at the end of the second book The Great Hunt when, after the fight with Ishmael, the image of the heron on his sword is branded into his hand. The Dragons were marked together, while Rand was in the 'remembrance' ter'angreal in Rhuidean showing him the history of his parentage (Aiel history from the point of view from his direct ancestors), 'for remembrance lost'. the second for the price he must pay (the bleakness)

"Fortune rides like the sun on high
with the fox that makes the ravens fly.
Luck his soul, the lightning his eye,
He snatches the moons from out of the sky."

The first line refers to Mat's luck, how sometimes it is better than others, and as Mat notes seems to occur in waves
The second line describes how Mat, who is often associated with the fox, flees Ebou Dar with Tuon, therefore setting the Seanchan Ever Victorious Army on his heels, the raven being a symbol of the Seanchan Empire
The third line describes Mat's character, with luck being something he relies on heavily, and lightning symbolizing his ability to find a way out of most problems, but often with violent consequences. It is also worth noting the significance of "eye" rather than "eyes" as many fans speculate that Mat will lose an eye in the last book of the series - a theory reinforced by numerous dreams and visions seen by the characters Perrin Aybara, Egwene al'Vere and Min Farshaw.
The last line is clearly describing when Mat "kidnaps" Tuon, the Daughter of the Nine Moons (literally meaning the daughter of the empire), next in line to be Empress.