Kanjuro Shibata XX

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On-yumishi Kanjuro Shibata XX(御弓師 二十代 柴田 勘十郎 Shibata Kanjūrō), Sensei (born 1921) is twentieth in a line of master bowmakers and a Kyudo teacher of the Heki Ryu Bishu Chikurin-ha(日置流備州竹林派) tradition.

He was born in Kyoto, Japan.

Calligraphy by Kanjuro Shibata XXEnso ca. 2000
Calligraphy by Kanjuro Shibata XX
Enso ca. 2000

Shibata served as the Bowmaker to the Emperor of Japan from 1959 until 1994, when his adopted son, Nobuhiro, was recognized as the 21st in the Shibata lineage and assumed the duties of Imperial Bowmaker. He created 25 dojos in North America and Europe.

In Japan, Shibata became concerned that his students were too fixated on merely hitting the target, and were treating Kyudo as a sport rather than a meditative art. He felt they were becoming too competitive.

In 1980, Shibata accepted an invitation from Chögyam Trungpa Rinpoche to come to the United States and teach kyudo, and founded the Ryuko Kyudojo (龍虎弓道場 "dragon-tiger archery practice hall") in Boulder, Colorado. Since 1980, Shibata has founded over 25 kyudojos in the United States, Canada and Europe.

Shibata does not rank his students (i.e. there is no belt or dan system), and there is no testing or contests within the school.

[edit] Quotations

With hearts as big as the autumn moon, we can magnetize the great heart of our enlightened lineage, the heart of the Vidydhara Chögyam Trungpa Rinpoche, and we can strengthen our family connection through meditation practice

Kanjuro Shibata

One is not polishing one's shooting style or technique, but the mind. The dignity of shooting is the important point. This is how Kyudo differs from the common approach to archery. In Kyudo there is no hope. Hope is not the point. The point is that through long and genuine practice your natural dignity as a human being comes out. This natural dignity is already in you, but it is covered up by a lot of obstacles. When they are cleared away, your natural dignity is allowed to shine forth.

Kanjuro Shibata

Too much thinking.

Kanjuro Shibata

Perhaps you are thinking that neutrality is some sort of spiritual goal. This is not the case. Looking deeply at our hearts is the aim of spiritual practice. Kyudo practice is not neutral. Kyudo practice is about balance. Balance is not the same as neutrality. Neutrality only seeks the middle. In kyudo practice we are equally aware of the left, the right, the middle, all of it. How long have you been practicing? One more again, practice. This is my hope.

Kanjuro Shibata

[edit] External links