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Hindu philosophy
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Samkhya · Yoga
Nyaya · Vaisheshika
Purva Mimamsa · Vedanta
Schools of Vedanta
Advaita · Vishishtadvaita
Dvaita · Shuddhadvaita
Dvaitadvaita · Achintya Bheda Abheda
Important figures
Kapila · Patañjali
Gotama · Kanada
Jaimini · Vyasa
Adi Shankara · Ramanuja
Madhva · Madhusudana
Vedanta Desika · Jayatirtha
Vallabha · Nimbarka
Ramakrishna · Ramana
Vivekananda · Narayana Guru
N.C. Yati · Coomaraswamy
Aurobindo ·Sivananda
Satyananda · Chinmayananda
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Kanada (also transliterated as Kanad and in other ways; Sanskrit कणाद) was a Hindu sage who founded the philosophical school of Vaisheshika. He is considered as the father of Atom theory. He probably lived around 600 BCE according to some accounts. It is believed that he was born in Prabhas Kshetra (near Dwaraka) in Gujarat, India. His area of study was Rasavātam, considered to be a type of alchemy. In his text, the Vaishashik Darshana, he describes an atomic theory more than a century before Democritus developed one in ancient Greece. He believed that all objects were comprised of nine elements: earth, water, light, wind, ether, time, space, mind and soul.