Kamala devi

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Kamala Devi or Kamala Chattopadhyaya was a renowned Indian social reformer and champion of women's rights.

Born 3rd April 1903 in Mangalore, South India, her parents believed in educating Kamala Devi at a time when women's education was discouraged in India in the early part of the 20th century. Kamala Devi was brilliant student and also exhibited qualities of determination and courage from an early age. She made up her mind to fight for women's rights, very early in life.

Kamala Devi later came under the influence of the great Indian poet-philosopher Sri Aurobindo. She later acquired a degree in sociology from Bedford College, London. She was also influenced by Mahatma Gandhi, after which she involved in Indian politics. She later became president of the All India Women's Conference. She also occupied several honorable posts, including being a member of UNESCO.

She wrote several books, including Awakening of Indian Womanhood and her rich autobiography in Inner Recesses and Outer Spaces

Kamala Devi passed away in 1988.