Kalmthoutse Heide

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The Kalmthoutse Heide is a part of the cross-border border park De Zoom - Kalmthoutse Heide, which includes 3750 ha of heath. This park is managed by a special commission in which both Flemish and Dutch organisations are represented. The park is owned by the Flemish district, the municipality Kalmthout, Staatsbosbeheer, Natuurmonumenten and several private owners. The most known part of the border park lies in Belgium, in the north of the province of Antwerp (Kalmthout and Essen). The Dutch part lies in the municipality Woensdrecht (province North Brabant) and stretches from the border to the villages Huijbergen and Putte.

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Coordinates: 51°23′43, N°4′26

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