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"Kalinka" ("Калинка" in Cyrillic) might be the best-known Russian song of all time. It has been mistaken as being a genuine folksong, but was actually written in 1860 by the composer and folklorist Ivan Petrovich Larionov 1830-1889 and first performed in Saratov as part of a theatrical entertainment that he had composed. Soon it was added to the repertory of a folk choral group, and the rest is history.

The song celebrates a snowball tree, with a speedy tempo and light-hearted lyrics. Singers and dancers many a time get into a frenzied celebration of song and dance while performing this song.

In 2003, Roman Abramovich bought Chelsea FC. Since then, Kalinka has been associated with the London based Football Club and is often played before or after important matches, including the Champions League clashes with FC Barcelona and the Carling Cup final.

Several clubs and companies have been named Kalinka as well as a breed of show dog, the Kalinka terrier, and a minor character in Mega Man 4. In addition, a version of the song appeared as one of the background songs in the popular video game Tetris.

In 1998 the Danish band Infernal covered the song to popularity in Scandinavia.


[edit] A Version of the "Kalinka" lyrics


Калинка, калинка, калинка моя! В саду ягода малинка, малинка моя!

Ах, под сосною, под зеленою, Спать положите вы меня! Ай-люли, люли, ай-люли, Спать положите вы меня.

Калинка, калинка, калинка моя! В саду ягода малинка, малинка моя!

Ах, сосенушка ты зеленая, Не шуми же надо мной! Ай-люли, люли, ай-люли, Не шуми же надо мной!

Калинка, калинка, калинка моя! В саду ягода малинка, малинка моя!

Ах, красавица, душа-девица, Полюби же ты меня! Ай-люли, люли, ай-люли, Полюби же ты меня!

Калинка, калинка, калинка моя! В саду ягода малинка, малинка моя!

English translation:

Juniper, juniper, juniper, my juniper, in the garden the raspberry, raspberry of mine

Ah, Under the pine, the green one, Lay me down to sleep, Ah, lully lully, ah lully lully, Lay me down to sleep


Ah, Little pine, little green one, Don't rustle above me, Ah, lully lully, ah lully lully, Don't rustle above me


Ah, you beauty, pretty maiden, Fall in love with me, Ah, lully lully, ah lully lully, Fall in love with me


[edit] Sound

Sample from the song by the Red Army Choir:

[edit] Other resources on the "Kalinka" song and dance

[edit] Trivia

Kalinka is also the name of the daughter of Russian scientist Dr. Cossack in the video game Mega Man 4. Like many characters in the Mega Man series, her name is music-related.