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Kalderash is the name for one of the larger subgroups of Roms. They were traditionally smiths and metal workers. Their name means "cauldron maker". Many Roms living in Romania have the surname "Caldararu" which means they or their ancestors belonged to this clan. [1]

Nowadays, due to industrialisation, metalcraft is no longer as profitable and, as a consequence, the Kalderash people diversified their earning possibilities, though often they remain in metallurgy.

In the cult tv series Buffy the Vampire Slayer the roma tribe that curses the vampire Angelus with his soul are part of the Kalderash people.

Flag of the Roma people The Roma minority in Romania Romanian flag
Organisations National Agency for the Roma | Aven Amentza | Romani CRISS | Resource Center for Roma Communities | Romanothan
Initiatives Decade of Roma Inclusion | National Day of Commemorating the Holocaust | Racism Breaks the Game
People Mădălin Voicu | Ion Voicu | Nicolae Păun | Gheorghe Răducanu | Taraful Haiducilor | Fanfare Ciocărlia
Demographics List of towns in Romania by Roma population
Culture Romani language | Kalderash | Boyash | Ursari | Lăutari | International Romani Art Festival
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