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Kadzuwo J. SHIMIDZU*.

Guest member of the Japan Anti-Pseudoscience Activities Network[1].
Executive member of the Academy of Outrageous Books (see Tondemo).

  • My passport name is Kazuo SHIMIZU, and there are great many Kazuo SHIMIZUs in various Kanji characters, so I'm using the Spelling: Kadzuwo SHIMIDZU.

My Best favorite Science Fiction:

  • "The Teacher from Mars", by Eando Binder (Thrilling Wonder Stories Feb 1941)
    • in My Best Science Fiction Story, ed. Leo Margulies & Oscar J. Friend, Merlin Press 1949, Pocket 1954.


[edit] For Your Info:

  • Cross Translation (You can translate Japanese to/from English by various translation sites)
  • Automatic selection form (You can translate many languages to your language by various translation sites. Please click "English")

[edit] On Yasukuni Shrine

[edit] On Tanaka Memorial

These sites deny the authenticity of the "documents" as Anti-Japanese version of "The Protocols of the Elders of Zion".

These sites accept the authenticity of the "documents" as "Japan's Mein Kampf".

[edit] On Tongzhou Incident

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