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The Kabbalah Portal

Kabbalah has its origins in the Jewish religion. Central to the philosophy is the Sephirot through which Jewish meditation and natural correspondences one becomes aware of the natural order of things. Kabbalah has been hailed by many as being a form of Jewish mysticism. And yet elements of established magick are evident as viewed through the practice of Hermetic Kabbalah. It's popularity in modern culture cannot be denied. But true Kabbalah is in defiance of anything established; which thus hides it true nature. While Kabbalah beckons to us as our higher selves, the angelic order of the Ishim reminds us that humans are angels too... and therefore just as Malkuth corresponds to the Ishim, maybe Daath corresponds to us...


Selected article

Sephirot (or "enumerations", Sephiroth, Sefiroth (סְפִירוֹת), singular: Sephirah, also Sefirah (סְפִירָה "enumeration" in Hebrew)), in the Kabbalah of Judaism, are the ten attributes that God (who is referred to as אור אין סוף Aur Ain Soph, "Limitless Light, Light Without End") created through which he can manifest not only the physical but the metaphysical universe.


Selected picture

A medieval representation of the Sephirot.
A medieval representation of the Sephirot.

Selected biography

Portrait of Rabbi Naphtali Cohen, from 1906 Jewish Encyclopedia.
Portrait of Rabbi Naphtali Cohen, from 1906 Jewish Encyclopedia.

Naphtali Cohen (1649-1718) was a Russo-German rabbi and kabalist born in Ostrowo in the Ukraine. He belonged to a family of rabbis in Ostrowo, whither his father, Isaac Cohen, had fled during the Cossack war.

In 1663 Cohen fell into the hands of the Tatars, who kept him in servitude for several years. Escaping, he returned to Ostrowo, and was chosen to succeed his father as rabbi. In 1690 he was called to Posen, where he officiated as chief rabbi until 1704. There he devoted himself to the Cabala, and collected a large library of cabalistic literature.


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