Justin Dillon

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Justin Dillon (b.1957) is a senior lecturer in science and environmental education and subject director of the pre-service chemistry education programme at King's College London. He is member of the National Science Foundation funded Center for Informal Learning and Schools (CILS) and co-directs King's College contribution to the Permanent EuropeaN Centre for Informal Learning (PENCIL).

Dillon was President of the AERA Ecological and Environmental Education SIG in 1999 and is Chair of the London Environmental Education Forum (LEEF). He is one of the editors of the International Journal of Science Education (IJSE) and sits on the editorial board of the Australian Journal of Environmental Education, Environmental Education Research and Tópicos en Educación Ambiental, among others.

He is the Chair of the London Wildlife Trust which manages almost 60 sites across London and a member of the London Natural History Museum Public Engagement Group. He is also Secretary of the Bankside Open Spaces Trust.

Dillon's publications include:

Corrigan, D., Dillon, J and Gunstone, R. (eds) (2007) The Re-emergence of Values in the Science Curriculum. Rotterdam: Sense Publishers.

Dillon, J. (2003) On learners and learning in environmental education: Missing theories, Ignored communities, Environmental Education Research, 9(2), 215-226.

Dillon, J., Ketlhoilwe, M.J., Ramsarup, P. and Reddy, C. (2005) Designing research in environmental education curriculum policy construction, conceptualisation and implementation as exemplified by Southern African examples, Southern African Journal of Environmental Education, 22, 156-164.

Dillon, J. and Maguire, M. (eds) (2001) Becoming a Teacher. Milton Keynes: Open University Press. 2nd edition. ISBN 0-335-20861-4.

Dillon, J. and Maguire, M. (eds) (2006, in preparation) Becoming a Teacher. Milton Keynes: Open University Press. 3rd edition.

Dillon, J. and Reid, A. (2004) Issues in Case Study Methodology in Investigating Environmental and Sustainability Issues in Higher Education: towards a problem-based approach? Environmental Education Research, 10(1) 23-37.

Dillon, J., Rickinson, M., Sanders, D. and Teamey, K. (2005) On food, farming and land management - towards a research agenda to reconnect urban and rural lives, International Journal of Science Education. 27(11), 1359-1374.

Dillon, J. and Scott, W. (Eds) (2002) International Journal of Science Education, 24(11) (Special Issue: Perspectives on Environmental Education-related Research in Science Education).

Dillon, J. and Wals, A. (2006, in press) On the dangers of blurring methods, methodologies and ideologies in environmental education research, Environmental Education Research, 12(3/4).

Oulton, C., Dillon, J. and Grace, M. (2004) Reconceptualizing the teaching of controversial issues, International Journal of Science Education, 26(4) 411-23.

Rickinson, M., Dillon, J., Teamey, K., Morris, M., Choi, M. Y., Sanders, D. & Benefield, P. (2004) A Review of Research on Outdoor Learning, Preston Montford, Shropshire: Field Studies Council.