Jurij Dalmatin

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Jurij Dalmatin was a Slovenian protestant priest, writer and translator. Born around 1547 in Krško, died 1589 in Ljubljana, where in 1572 became a preacher. He wrote religious books Karšanske lepe molitve (1584, Christian Beautiful Prayers), Ta kratki würtemberški katekizmus (1585, A Short Wittenberg Catechism), and Agenda (1589), but far more important is his translation of the complete Bible into Slovenian language. The original title of this magnificent book is Bibilija, tu je vse svetu pismu stariga inu noviga testamenta, slovenski tolmačena skuzi Jurija Dalmatina (Wittenberg 1584, The Bible, it is a Complete Holy Scripture of the Old and of the New Testament, Translated into Slovenian by Jurij Dalmatin). The first Catholic Slovenian translation started in 1784 and finished only in 1802.