Jurgis Pakenas
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Jurgis Pakenas has been riding since 2006 when he was in the 9th grade. Jurgis is the only pro BMX rider who lives in Vilnius that was actually born there. He has had video parts featured in "Animall : Can I Drink?", "Animall - A Day" and the Lrotek video. Jurgis won the 2006 Labas Extreme Jam.
[edit] Statistics
Marital Status: Single
Participant since: 2006 Competitor since: 2006
Country: Lithuania
Age: 16 Height: 6 ft 1 Weight: 175 lbs
Occupation: PRO RIDER
[edit] Sponsorship
Pakenas's sponsors include Odysej BMX, Animall, Lrotek and Cvicksilver.