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Junzi (Chinese: 君子) was a term coined by Confucius to describe his ideal human. To Confucius, the functions of government and social stratification were facts of life to be sustained by ethical values; thus his ideal human was the Junzi (or ruler's son), which is often translated "gentleman". The junzi, meaning "superior person", is one who is of a superior ethical and moral position and teaches inner peace through being virtuous. The petty person, or xiaoren (小人), was the opposite of the junzi.

It is important to note that the Junzi enforced rule in his subjects by acting virtuously himself. It is thought that by pure virtue, others will follow the Junzi's example. The ultimate goal is that government behaves much like family. So that at all levels filial piety promoted harmony and the Junzi acted as a beacon for this piety.

[edit] English translations of junzi

  • exemplary person (Roger T. Ames and Henry Rosemont, Jr., The Analects of Confusius: A Philosophical Translation)

[edit] See also

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