Julius West

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Julius West Middle School is an International Baccalaureate - Middle Years Programme. It is located at 651 Great Falls Road Rockville, Maryland. Julius West was officially made an International Baccalaureate World School in July, 2003, when it was allowed to implement the Middle Years Programme (MYP) curriculum. This program is mandatory to all students who attend Julius West. Being in the MYP, it is stressed to be "life long learners", "critical thinkers", and "responsible global citizens". Upon graduation, students attend Richard Montgomery High School, a school which also commands an International Baccalaureate (IB) programme. Students are given a choice of four "paths" to take. There is a Pre-IB path, of which 100 spots are available and are selected from all over Montgomery County, an IB/MYP path which provides all honors classes and, upon 11th grade, 25 spots to enter the IB path, an Honors/AP course, which provides higher than grade level classes (AP generally starting at Junior year), and a College/Career Prep. which teaches skills to enter into the workforce or college. For more see Richard Montgomery High School


[edit] The Curriculum

Julius West follows the standard curriculm for all public middle schools in Montgomery County, Maryland, but it places special focus on the students ability to "develop critical learning skills with a global prespective". Being an MYP School, Julius West must also comply with the programs standards. Connections to "other academic areas" and "real-world problems and activities" are required to be stressed along with "an appreciation of world cultures", and "correct and effeicent communication skills". All eight subjects of the MYP are taught according to the MCPS curriculm. These eight subjects include, Language A and B, Humanities, Mathematics, Science and Technology. The Five Areas of Interaction are woven into the eight subjects to link them together and to give real-world experience to students. Approaches to Learning, Health and Social Education, Communtity Service and Environment are some of these 'themes'.

[edit] Themes (Five "Areas of Interaction")

  • Approaches to Learning - “Learning how to learn”
  • Community and Service – "Doing something good without getting paid"
  • Health & Social Education – "Making good choices for your mind and your body"
  • Environment – "Taking care of our world today and keeping it fit for the future"
  • Homo Faber (Latin for Man the Maker) – "Creating things that can impact the world"

[edit] Purpose

Julius West Middle School was made on the land of farmer Julius West. He had told to the city of Rockville to build a school on his land after his death.

[edit] Sources

http://www.mcps.k12.md.us/schools/westms/ http://www.mcps.k12.md.us/schools/westms/aboutjwms/ibmypprogram.htm

For more information on the IB Program:

Gail Fribush, MYP Coordinator gail_b_fribush@mcpsmd.org Julius West Middle School 301-279-3979

Kimberly Boldon, IB Coordinator kimberly_m_boldon@mcpsmd.org Richard Montgomery High School 301-279-8449

http://www.ibo.org/ http://www.mcps.k12.md.us/schools/westms/aboutjwms/about_pdfs/IBMYPFAQs_7-06.pdf http://www.portalcontrol.com/DesktopDefault.aspx?tabid=438