Julius Stern

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Julius Stern (1820-1883) was a German musician. He was born at Breslau on August 8, 1820. He received his elementary education in music from the violinist Peter Lüstner, and at the age of nine played at concerts. In 1832 his parents removed to Berlin, where Stern studied first under Maurer, Ganz, and Saint-Lubin, and later under Rungenhagen at the Königliche Akademie der Künste. As a result of several compositions which he had written while a pupil of the academy, King Frederick William IV of Prussia, who was an ardent lover of art, granted Stern a stipend which enabled him to pursue his studies. He went to Dresden, where he received instruction from Miksch; and thence to Paris, where he subsequently was appointed leader of the Deutscher Gesangverein Society. While in the latter city he composed, among other works, the music to Mendelssohn's "Antigone."

In 1846 Stern returned to Berlin, where, in the following year, he founded the Stern Gesangverein. The first performance of Mendelssohn's oratorio "Elijah" (Oct., 1847) established Stern's reputation as one of the foremost conductors of his day, and his choir constantly increased in size and efficiency, so that the repertoire of the society soon embraced not only the standard works of Handel, Haydn, and Bach, but also those of contemporary composers. In 1872 the Gesangverein celebrated its twenty-fifth anniversary amid great enthusiasm; two years later Stern was compelled to resign his directorship on account of ill health.

Of even greater importance for the development of music was the Stern Conservatorium, founded conjointly in 1850 by Stern, Kullak, and Marx. By the resignation of Theodor Kullak in 1855, and of A. B. Marx in 1857, Stern became sole proprietor of the institution, which he managed until his death. From 1869 to 1871 he conducted the Berlin Symphony Orchestra, and from 1873 to 1874 the concerts in the Reichshalle, where he found an opportunity of carrying out his favorite idea of bringing the works of talented young musicians before the public. In 1849 he received the title of "Royal Musical Director," and in 1860 that of "Professor."

Stern died at Berlin on February 27, 1883.

[edit] Bibliography

  • Richard Stern, Erinnerungsblätter an Julius Stern, Berlin, 1886;
  • Mendel, Musikalisches Konversations-Lexikon;
  • Riemann, Musik-Lexikon;
  • Meyers Konversations-Lexikon.

This article incorporates text from the 1901–1906 Jewish Encyclopedia, a publication now in the public domain.

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