Julian Sanchez

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Julian Sanchez is a libertarian writer living in Washington, DC. He first came to public attention in 2003 when he helped to expose gun control critic John Lott for defending himself in online forums using an assumed identity. Soon afterwards, Sanchez was hired as an assistant editor at Reason magazine. He is now a contributing editor.

Sanchez has a weblog at juliansanchez.com, and contributes regularly to Reason magazine's Hit and Run blog. In the winter of 2005-06, Andrew Sullivan asked Sanchez and Ross Douthat to guest blog on his widely read weblog, the Daily Dish. Sanchez's work is widely cited in the blogosphere, including such high-profile blogs as The Volokh Conspiracy, Marginal Revolution, and Instapundit.

Sanchez is a graduate of New York University, where he studied philosophy and political science.

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