Jukola relay

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Gate of Salo-Jukola
Gate of Salo-Jukola

The Jukola Relay is an orienteering race held annually in Finland since 1949. The race always takes place on the third Saturday of June in different sites around Finland. The northenmost location has been 50 km north from the Arctic Circle.

In the Jukola male relay (for seven members), the distances of the legs vary from 7 to 15 km. The starting time is around 11 pm, and so runners of the 1st … 3rd or 4th legs have to wear headlights, depending on the geographical site of the relay (north or south of Finland) and the weather conditions. The winning team crosses the finishing line early on Sunday morning, around 6 or 7 am, and the last teams finish just before the finish is closed at 2 pm.

For the ladies, an individual race with a common start was organized in 1951 and it was then turned into a four leg relay race in 1978. The women's relay, known as the Venla Relay, is a daytime race on Saturday afternoon.

In 2005 the Jukola Relay attracted over 1300 teams and the Venla Relay over 800. Clubs from 25 countries took part.

The name comes from the classic Finnish book - Seven Brothers.

Association "Kaukametsäläiset" is the founder of the Jukola Relay and it is also the owner of the rights of Jukola event.

[edit] The Youth Jukola relay

Since 1986, a Jukola relay event for the young orienteers was organized as a separate event in August each year.

[edit] History of Jukola

  • 1949 near Helsinki
  • 1950 Nurmijärvi-Vantaa, Palojoki-Seutula-Keimola-Lahnus-Etelälahti-Lahnus-Keimola-Myllykoski
  • 1951 Hollola, Hollolas airport
  • 1952 Hämeenlinna, Miemala
  • 1953 Valkeala, Savero/Utti
  • 1954 Lahti, Arkiomaa
  • 1955 Kangasala, Säynäjärvi
  • 1956 Riihimäki, Paalijärvi
  • 1957 Virolahti, Ravijoki
  • 1958 Karkkila, Vuotinainen
  • 1959 Vammala, Vaununperä
  • 1960 Kouvola-Valkeala
  • 1961 Tammela, Valkeaviita
  • 1962 Orimattila, Luhtikylä
  • 1963 Kiikala, Johannislund
  • 1964 Joutseno, Vesikkola
  • 1965 Petäjävesi, Kintaus
  • 1966 Padasjoki, Tarusjärvi
  • 1967 Halikko, Hajala
  • 1968 Mäntsälä, Kaukalampi
  • 1969 Vammala, Roismala
  • 1970 Riihimäki, Paarijoki
  • 1971 Vehkalahti, Pyhältö
  • 1972 Paimio, Motelli
  • 1973 Hämeenlinna, Miemala
  • 1974 Puumala, Pistohiekka
  • 1975 Kankaanpää, Niinisalo
  • 1976 Tammisaari, Spjutsöböle
  • 1977 Ruokolahti, Virmutjoki
  • 1978 Kuorevesi, Halli
  • 1979 Lapua, Simpsiönvuori
  • 1980 Rovaniemi, Ounasvaara
  • 1981 Hyvinkää, Kytäjä
  • 1982 Liperi, Pärnävaara
  • 1983 Valkeala, Selänpää
  • 1984 Heinolan mlk, Vierumäki
  • 1985 Laitilan-Jukola, Laitila, Tulejärvi
  • 1986 Kaanaan-Jukola, Teisko, Kaanaa
  • 1987 Hollolan-Jukola, Hollolan lentokenttä
  • 1988 Isosyöte-Jukola, Pudasjärvi, Iso-Syöte
  • 1989 Raja-Jukola, Joutseno, Myllymäki
  • 1990 Juvan-Jukola, Juva, Koikkala
  • 1991 Kraateri-Jukola, Vimpeli, Lakeaharju
  • 1992 Vehka-Jukola, Virolahti, Ravijoki
  • 1993 Paimion-Jukola, Vista
  • 1994 Pyhä-Luosto-Jukola, Pelkosenniemi, Luosto-, Pyhätunturi
  • 1995 Kerava-Sipoo-Jukola, Sipoo kk
  • 1996 Mehtä-Jukola, Rautavaara, Harsukangas
  • 1997 Jyväs-Jukola, Jyväskylä, Killerjärvi
  • 1998 Juhla-Jukola, Siuntio, Svartbäck
  • 1999 Hiisi-Jukola, Eurajoki, Rikantila
  • 2000 Jukola-2000, Liperi, Pärnävaara
  • 2001 Nikkari-Jukola, Jurva, Tainuskylä
  • 2002 Asikkala-Jukola, Asikkala, Vesivehmaa
  • 2003 Jukola 2003, Sulkava kk
  • 2004 Jämi-Jukola, Jämijärvi, Jämi
  • 2005 Sippu-Jukola, Anjalankoski, Sippola
  • 2006 Salo-Jukola, Salo, Karjaskylä (Angelniemen Ankkuri, Salon Viesti, Salon Vilpas)
  • 2007 Virkiä-Jukola, Lapua, Simpsiövuori (Lapuan Virkiä)
  • 2008 Tampereen Jukola, Tampere, Teisko (KooVee - Tampereen Pyrintö)
  • 2009 Mikkeli-Jukola 2009 (Navi)
  • 2010 Hyvinkää, Kytäjä (Hyvinkään Rasti - Rajamäen Rykmentti)

[edit] External links

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