User talk:Jugoslaven

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia


[edit] Welcome and reply

I see nobody welcomed you yet — welcome! :)

Ostalo neću na engleskom :) Molise Slavic language sam pronašao jer sam vidio da si nešto izmijenio na Croatian language. Onda sam kliknuo na "User contributions" kod tebe, i gle :)

Usput, ona izmjena je kriva zato što je na pod-stranici samo za hrvatski, ne i za srpskohrvatski. Serbo-Croatian treba pisati na stranici za srpskohrvatski, i već piše.

Username možeš promijeniti tako da odeš na meta:Changing username i napišeš koji novi username želiš, te da onda na ovoj stranici ostaviš potvrdu da je zahtjev autentičan.

Ako trebaš još nešto, slobodno pitaj. Sretno! --Joy [shallot] 12:31, 24 Dec 2004 (UTC)

[edit] Copyright violations

Is Millán Astray a copyvio? Everyking 03:12, 30 Dec 2004 (UTC)

Did you copy and paste it from another website? Everyking 23:27, 30 Dec 2004 (UTC)
I have ended up handling virtually all of your work in the English-language Wikipedia as probable copyright violations. At least one other administrator has suggested to me that I should simply block this account. I am not going to do that at this time, but please, you are doing no one any favors when you paste copyrighted material into Wikipedia, all you do is waste a lot of our time removing it.
If you believe I am wrong in believing that this material constitutes copyright violations, the discussions on this take place on WP:CP. -- Jmabel | Talk 05:30, Jan 3, 2005 (UTC)

Thanks for the communication about LaCucaracha and the Spanish Civil War material. Please, though, I'm pretty sure that the information you took from was not copyleft.

When you are taking substantive information with permission from another site and putting it into Wikipedia, please:

  1. Be very clear where the information comes from: this is simply a matter of ethics and respect. We wish to acknowledge our sources, especially those who donate significant material. In a case like this one, it's also important to make it clear that there is a source for this material that may be less restrictive than Wikipedia, so we don't accidentally accuse a third site who get the material legitimately from LaCucaracha of stealing it from us.
  2. Place the information about permission on the relevant talk page at the time you are inserting material. This has been eating a lot of time from a lot of people trying to clear up the copyright issue after the fact.

I'm sorry if this is a little bit complicated, but the nature of Wikipedia is such that if we weren't vigilant about copyright matters, we would probably be subject to a slew of lawsuits. -- Jmabel | Talk 19:39, Jan 4, 2005 (UTC)

You asked on my user talk page:"What I dont undestand about the articles from Spartacus and Legion Irlandaise or any other fee-view page is if it is free-view I dont c y it can be viewed from Wikipedia or any other non-profit page?"

Being allowed to view a page for free is not the same as being allowed to copy it and post it on another server. For example, anyone can look at Wikipedia pages for free, but they can re-post them only under terms that comply with GFDL.

By default, writings, pictures, etc. are copyrighted by their creators. That is, if someone writes something original, and does nothing about the rights to it, that material is copyrighted. Making it public (for free or for money) does not change this. Unless that person explicitly grants rights to someone else, it's still theirs. There is such a thing as fair use (at least under U.S. law; similar, but not identical, concepts exist in other countries), but it is very limited; see Fair use and Wikipedia:Fair use. It does not include picking up large passages of someone else's text and pasting them into Wikipedia.

Conversely, some sites place their content into the public domain or otherwise license them in a way that is compatible with GFDL. We can use those. Still, basic intellectual honesty includes acknowledging where the material came from. For example the 1911 Encyclopædia Britannica is now old enough to be in the public domain. We take a lot of content from it (usually as a first draft of an article to be updated, and we indicate at the bottom of each relevant page that we have done so, using Template:1911 or some similar notice.

Note that at the bottom of every edit page on Wikipedia it says:

  • All contributions to Wikipedia are released under the GNU Free Documentation License (see Project:Copyrights for details).
  • If you do not want your writing to be edited mercilessly and redistributed at will, do not submit it.
  • By submitting your work you promise you wrote it yourself, or copied it from public domain resources — this does not include most web pages.

Note especially that last phrase: "[T]his does not include most web pages."

You might want to read Wikipedia:Copyrights. It is a bit dense, so if any of it is confusing, do feel free to ask questions, either at Wikipedia talk:Copyrights or by contacting me or any of the hundreds of other administrators. -- Jmabel | Talk 23:14, Jan 4, 2005 (UTC)

Have u contacted Cucaracha? What about Spartcus and Legion Irlandaise? What administator wanted to expell me from wikipedia?

I've contacted Cucaracha. I presume they will get back to me. Assuming that what you passed me was what they really wrote to you, I'm sure the answer will by "yes". I haven't contacted Spartacus because I know we don't have permission to take their material. Note that on their cite they routinely say, "The narrative text on this website is copyright. This means that any school which copies the site for local use onto a school cache is in breach of copyright. If your school wishes to copy the site in this way, there is a tariff of charges. Please contact Spartacus Educational for details." As you can imagine, if they are not open to schools making local copies, they are certainly not open to us re-posting pages on another site.
As for what administrator wanted to expel you, see Wikipedia:Administrator's_noticeboard#Copyvio_problem; that's a non-archival page, so the discussion won't be there much longer. You do need to understand: Violation of copyright is illegal. Not just against Wikipedia's rules, but against the laws of almost every country in the world. When a person repeatedly pastes copyrighted material into Wikipedia without permission, if we don't stop them, we can be seen as collaborating. Too much of this sort of thing and we will be sued. So we are very careful about it, probably more than about almost anything else. -- Jmabel | Talk 23:42, Jan 4, 2005 (UTC)

You really don't get it, do you? I'm still waiting to hear from Cucaracha to confirm that what you are doing at Spanish Civil War is legal, and you go ahead and do it again without waiting for them to confirm back to me. I personally am not going to block your account, because I think you are probably well-intentioned (even if your lack of comprehension of the seriousness of a legal matter like this is just about bulletproof) but I sure won't come to your defense if someone else does. -- Jmabel | Talk 04:47, Jan 5, 2005 (UTC)

The site that the Legion Irlandaise material came from is pretty clear about their copyright policy: © Copyright: Unless otherwise noted, all information, images, data contained within this website is protected by copyright under international law. Any unauthorized use of material contained here is strictly forbidden. All rights reserved.

Have you read the pages I aimed you at (Project:Copyrights in particular)? Wikipedia is not mainly about copying material from other places, and it's not my (or anyone else's) role to chase down rights to every page that you (or any other user) would like to copy. I'm sorry if this sounds harsh, but Wikipedia is mostly about people writing new material based on knowledge and research. -- Jmabel | Talk 21:34, Jan 5, 2005 (UTC)

I still haven't received an email back from Since I gather that you have successfully communicated with him, could you please encourage him to write me back? Otherwise, all of this material you are adding remains under a cloud and is very likely to be deleted. I will also drop him another note myself. -- Jmabel | Talk 19:50, Jan 7, 2005 (UTC)

I still haven't received any email. Is this the same address you mailed to? I really don't want to delete all your work, but if I don't hear from them I will have no choice. -- Jmabel | Talk 23:43, Jan 9, 2005 (UTC)

OK, I finally got notice from Cucaracha. You're in the clear. I'll post appropriately, and this will be fine.

Please, in the future, if you want to take content from another web site, seek their permission in advance. As I'm sure you can imagine, this sort of thing is not how any of us love to spend our time. -- 00:24, Jan 11, 2005 (UTC)

[edit] Juventudes Socialistas Unificadas

Y r u accusing me 4 copyediting??User:Jugoslaven

I wrote copyedit (please follow the link) in the summary, which means that I fixed some minor formatting errors. It not that I am accusing you of any wrongdoing. In fact Juventudes Socialistas Unificadas looks like a perfectly fine article that you wrote yourself. Thue | talk 14:52, 6 Jan 2005 (UTC)

[edit] Download

Downloadana Wikipedia? Kako to misliš? Ne znam za takav feature... jedino znam da se može skinuti database dump, a to nije iskoristivo osim za statističke analize i slično. --Joy [shallot] 20:23, 7 Jan 2005 (UTC)

O downloadu database dumpova možeš pročitati na Wikipedia:Database download. Sumnjam da će ti to biti korisno.

Ne znam je li bilo lokalnih okupljanja, ja nisam čuo ni za jedno, niti bio. Gdje živiš? Ja sam u Zagrebu.

A za promjenu u Croatian language, ne slažem se da to tako treba pisati budući da članak postoji i argumentira kako to jest zaseban jezik, iako je dio ovoga što se naziva srpskohrvatski. --Joy [shallot]

Nema nas baš puno :/ Ima svega par ljudi koji su doista aktivni ovdje pa da bi možda bili zainteresirani za susret, ali i od njih su rijetki koji ne čuvaju svoju anonimnost... --Joy [shallot] 21:11, 7 Jan 2005 (UTC)

Padaju mi na pamet User:Mir Harven, User:Ivan Bajlo, User:SpeedyGonsales, User:Zmaj, ... pogledaj i nedavne promjene na hrvatskoj Wikipediji za bolji pregled ljudi koji su aktivni. --Joy [shallot] 21:40, 7 Jan 2005 (UTC)

[edit] Croatian geographical locations

Ja već odavno editiram i pratim sve što se tiče bilo kakvih geografskih pojmova u Hrvatskoj... samo ti daj, ali nemoj previše copy&pasteati. Npr. oni paragrafi o županima nisu potrebni na stranici *svake* županije. Sve gledam kako ću to maknuti ali malo je wikislow pa mi se ne da. --Joy [shallot] 23:14, 10 Jan 2005 (UTC)

Ono županima nisam ja pisao.Šta si pročitao da sam optužen za kršenje autorskih prava?

Ah, mislio sam da si ti stavljao te sve popise ali da si se zaboravio ulogirati ili nešto.

Što se tiče kršenja autorskih prava, to je nevezano... iako sam vidio tu da si nešto pasteao a da nisi provjerio licencu... ako trebaš nekakvo pojašnjenje, reci...

Vidio tu - na tvojoj talk stranici, ne na stranici te županije. --Joy [shallot]
Stvar je na popisu općina želim da link bude npr. Municipality of Lovinac a ne Municipality of Lovinac.

U osnovi, ja samo mislim da u naslovu članka ne treba stajati predmetak "Municipality of " jer je višak. Nema smisla praviti posebne članke za mjesto Lovinac i općinu Lovinac, jer ovo je ipak samo enciklopedija, ne doslovna kopija nekakvog katastra ili sličnog kirurški preciznog registra :) U par slučajeva se može odvojiti, ali nekako sumnjam da ćemo do takih doći...

A, ako samo želiš da ti se link na članak Lovinac iz nekog razloga prostire i na te prve dvije riječi, onda napraviš [[Lovinac|Municipality of Lovinac]].

Kako da stavim svoj projekt na wikiproject?

Pročitaj Wikipedia:WikiProject.

Što je to wikislow?

To je u žargonu opis stanja sporosti Wikipedijinih servera :)

--Joy [shallot] 23:46, 10 Jan 2005 (UTC)


Možemo li molim te nastaviti raspravu o ovome na engleskom, na Talk:Counties of Croatia? Nema smisla da se nas dvojica tu polu-privatno dopisujemo na svom jeziku a stvar javna i još na engleskoj Wikipediji... --Joy [shallot] 23:19, 16 Jan 2005 (UTC)

[edit] Vandalizam na Bosniaks

Nažalost, tvoje mišljenje je krivo i ide suprotiv toga što je pisano u durgim člancima na wikipediji. 1.) Sprskohrvatski više ne postoji, umro je zajedno sa SFRJ. Bošnjaci govore bosanskim jezikom, to je poznato širom svijeta. Također, Bošnjaci smatraju da govore bosanski jezik, ne srpskohrvatski, i bosanski je jedan od tri službena jezika Bosne i Hercegovine. Srpskohrvatski danas postoji samo u knjigama povijesti. 2.) Gorani nisu Bošnjaci, nit je iko rekao da jesu. Međutim, ti koji se smatraju Bošnjacima u Sandžaku i Makedoniji jesu. 3.) Meša Selimović se je rodio prije nacionalnog buđenja Bošnjaka, i oženio je Srpkinju. Ipak, dio je Bošnjačke kulture. On je Bošnjak isto tako kao što je Ivo Andrić Hrvat. 4.) Srbija i Crna Gora imaju odvojene popise stanovništva, i nisu se dogodili u istoj godini. Asim Led 01:10, 11 Jan 2005 (UTC)

[edit] Opció k-95

Looks like a perfectly OK start on an article.

By the way, in English, place names, even in adjectival form, should always be capitalized ("Catalan", not "catalan", "Italian", not "italian"). -- Jmabel | Talk 17:54, Jan 20, 2005 (UTC)

[edit] Warning

Hi, since you have engaged in a revert war over at the Bosniak article, and came close to violating the 3RR, the next time you engage in this kind of behavior you will be blocked for policy violation. You now have an opportunity to reform and learn to work with other editors in peace and harmony. GeneralPatton 03:13, 21 Jan 2005 (UTC)

[edit] Betagarri

Hi, I found the page whilst populating Category:Basque - I searched for articles that mention 'Basque'. Mtiedemann 16:50, 25 Jan 2005 (UTC)

[edit] Image source

Discussion moved to Image talk:Allemanisch.jpg#Copyright.

[edit] Image:Zamora.jpg

Image deletion warning The image Image:Zamora.jpg has been listed at Wikipedia:Possibly unfree images. If the image's copyright status cannot be verified, it will be deleted. If you have any information on the source or licensing of this image, please go there to provide the necessary information.

[edit] Image:Agulhas1.jpg

Thanks for uploading Image:Agulhas1.jpg. I notice it currently doesn't have an image copyright tag. Until a more informative tag is provided, it will be listed as {{no source}} or {{no license}}. Could you add a better tag to let us know its source and/or copyright status? If you made the image yourself, an easy way to deal with this is add {{GFDL}} if you're willing to release it under the GFDL. Alternatively, you could release all rights to it by adding {{NoRightsReserved}}. This would allow anyone to do whatever they wish with your image, without exceptions. However, if it isn't your own image, you need to specify what free license it was distributed under. You can find a list of the tags here. If it was not distributed under a free license, but you claim fair use, add {{fairuse}} but you need to substantiate your claim by explaining why you think it's fair use. If you don't know what any of this means, just let me know where you got the images by posting to my talk page. If you do this, I can tag them for you. Thanks. RedWolf 06:30, July 24, 2005 (UTC)

[edit] Name change

I noticed you asked for a change of name to "Luka Jačov". We can change your name, (that's not a problem) but some users might compain that the č might be difficult to type. Would Luka Jacov acceptable? If not, would you create an alternate account titled "Luka Jacov" and redirected to Luka Jačov? (Luka Jacov will have to be permanently blocked then). User:Nichalp/sg 09:31, 20 September 2005 (UTC) Please reply on the name change page. Thank you. User:Nichalp/sg 09:31, 20 September 2005 (UTC)

Err we have a problem. The account "Luka Jacov" already exists, so we can't transfer Jugoslaven to Luka Jacov. If user:Luka Jacov is you, please login as user:Luka Jacov, and make a request to have your user name changed with that id. (This is a security check). Thank you. User:Nichalp/sg 09:56, 20 September 2005 (UTC)