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en This user is a native speaker of English.
es-4 El nivel de este usuario corresponde al de un hablante casi nativo del español.
la-2 Hic usor media latinitate contribuere potest.
ja-1 この利用者は少しだけ日本語を話すことができます。
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I'm a student (大学生) at North Central College in Naperville, Illinois. I move between there and Homewood, Illinois with surprising regularity (定例).

At this point I'm looking to go into linguistics (言語学) as a career (生業), although I'd be perfectly content (満足) to do translation work (翻訳の仕事). I'm fixing to be a Japanese (日本語) major (専攻), although I'm also looking to add some German (ドイツ語) into the mix (ミックス). In the meanwhile I find my inability to read Japanese Wikipedia articles to be almost soul-crushing (魂潰し) - - stupid 漢字!

I've been writing for a very long time. Briefly I tried to write serious fiction (シリアスなフィクション), but that went under, and I've since moved on to writing for roleplaying games (ロールプレイングゲーム), and occasional bursts of poetry.

I take linguistics very seriously (超マジで), and I'm fascinated with my own spirituality and others' (for lack of a better term, a sort of Thelemic Buddhist (仏教) Feri Discordian eclectic Paganism), but I feel dubiously qualified to write articles on aspects of either one. Until I build up the nerve, I'll probably stick to editing articles on my more pop-culture interests: anime (アニメ), Doctor Who (誰先生), Guilty Gear (ギルティ・ギア), rock 'n' roll, science fiction (SF), White Wolf games...

If you want to get in touch with me, or see some of my other projects:

Firefox This user contributes using Mozilla Firefox.
LJ This user maintains a LiveJournal.

This user plays the guitar.
This user is an Aquarius.
<html> This user can write HTML.