User:JRM/Featured captions

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We all know about Featured images. They're usually picked for their striking visuals. But what about the captions? Writing engaging captions that compliment the article without distracting from it is an art too. Here are some of the best captions I've seen—that's not to say they're beyond improvement, but they clearly stand out from the crowd.

A well dressed Ruth in 1930, when he was making $80,000 a year.  A story says Ruth was once asked if he thought it was right that his salary was higher than that of U.S. President Herbert Hoover (set at $75,000 a year at the time), to which Ruth replied, "Why not? I had a better year than he did."
A well dressed Ruth in 1930, when he was making $80,000 a year. A story says Ruth was once asked if he thought it was right that his salary was higher than that of U.S. President Herbert Hoover (set at $75,000 a year at the time), to which Ruth replied, "Why not? I had a better year than he did."
Postcard depicting the lynching of Lige Daniels, Center, Texas, USA, August 3, 1920. The back reads, "This was made in the court yard in Center, Texas. He is a 16 year old Black boy. He killed Earl's grandma. She was Florence's mother. Give this to Bud. From Aunt Myrtle." As discussed in the article, lynchings were often motivated by economics, or were retaliations for violations of Jim Crow etiquette, with false accusations of murder made in order to justify them.
Postcard depicting the lynching of Lige Daniels, Center, Texas, USA, August 3, 1920. The back reads, "This was made in the court yard in Center, Texas. He is a 16 year old Black boy. He killed Earl's grandma. She was Florence's mother. Give this to Bud. From Aunt Myrtle." As discussed in the article, lynchings were often motivated by economics, or were retaliations for violations of Jim Crow etiquette, with false accusations of murder made in order to justify them.