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Welcome, traveller, to the Wikipedian Joseph Brennan's user page
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(Note: Please do not edit this page. Direct all comments to my User talk page.)
I'm from Fort Wayne, Indiana, in the good ole USA.
(Note: Please do not edit this page. Direct all comments about America to your local United States Embassy.)

VfDAnon RCCSDDeletionsBlocksVPCleanupRFPPRfARefdeskPNAMost wantedReq. articlesManual of StyleCitation templates

Thursday, 29 March
Glorious visage:

Why do I have a feeling I'm going to regret posting this info?

Other usernames:

Γάμισε τους!

All the news that's fit to print -- plus some that isn't!

There's no place like home -- but other places can be very nice too.

To Do:

[[User:Jpbrenna/to do|To-do list]


WikiDefcon 3: Significantly elevated levels of vandalism from shared IPs and experimenting users.


AIV backlogged, normal vandalism levels and CAT:CSD backlogged to almost 200 articles Tellyaddict 16:18, 29 March 2007 (UTC)

[edit] About

Born July 13, 1979 at Fort Wayne, Indiana, Jpbrenna is a contributor to English, (Modern) Greek and Latin Wikipedias (mostly English, though). He has, on occasion, made links to and from other Wikipedias where appropriate.

Countries visited
Canada Germany Greece Mexico

[edit] Background & Lifestyle

As the reader has probably surmised from the picture at left, Jpbrenna is a cracker mutt. Specifically, he is of Irish, Polish, Greek, Welsh (as is, presumably, Jimbo Wales), English, and Scots descent. He is not overly sensitive about his origins, so feel free to drop a lighthearted Bogtrotter/Polak/Wog/Taffy/Limey/Scottie comment on his discussion page, but please refrain from actual racist attacks or threats. The proper scientific term is, of course, Boreio-Noto-Meso-Dutico-Anatolico-Europid (see this discussion).

In discussing the topic of ethnic origins, it will be helpful to reproduce this quote:

"I have declared again and again that if I say Aryans, I mean neither blood nor bones, nor hair nor skull; I mean simply those who speak an Aryan language… To me an ethnologist who speaks of Aryan race, Aryan blood, Aryan eyes and hair, is as great a sinner as a linguist who speaks of a dolichocephalic dictionary or a brachycephalic grammar."

So much for ancestry. In terms of dress, manners and behavior, Jpbrenna is rather difficult to describe, but he has much in common with the Oxbridge Young Fogey, although he seems to prefer finely woven camelhair and cashmere to woolen tweeds. His trousers are generally of wool worsted or gabardine, though he is occasionally spotted in cotton twills or even denim; on these occasions, a weathered baseball cap will frequently be substituted for the wonted driving cap or beret. In wintertime, he is sometimes addressed as "Lord Joe" or "Mylord" due to his penchant for wearing a coat-like, pocketed black lambswool sweater with wide lapels and a collar trimmed with black velvet presumed by Americans raised on Hollywood stereotypes to be the typical fireside dress of an English lord.

[edit] Educational & professional aspirations

JPBrenna is currently engaged as a private Latin tutor and public school tutor, and works sometimes as a waiter; upon completing his first bachelor's degree sometime next year, he intends to attend graduate school and earn a teaching certificate. He may yet obtain the juris doctor award he originally sought when embarking on his university career some eight years go, although he is not certain would ever like to actually practice law.

Jpbrenna has student memberships in the American Classical League and theModern Greek Studies Association.

[edit] Interests

War, peace, woman, horse, history, genealogy, language, music, red meat, cigars (not neccesarily in that order).

[edit] Wikipolitical leanings

This user is a member of the Association of Inclusionist Wikipedians

The motto of the AIW is Conservata veritate, which translates to, "With the preserved truth" This motto reflects the inclusionist desire to change Wikipedia only when no knowledge would be lost as a result.

Association of Inclusionist Wikipedians
Like George Washington, Jpbrenna dislikes factions; however, recent events have forced him to choose sides. Revolutionary zealots serving on the Politburo of the People's Republic of Wikipedia, eager to purge WikiSociety of all server parasitism, decided to try one his articles in their kangaroo court and execute it at sunrise. He therefore felt compelled to enter the ranks of the Association of Inclusionist Wikipedians in order to raise awareness and protect the valid stubs that he has created. See also Wikipedia:Votes_for_deletion/Tacumwah.

Though the quotation did not originate with him, it is appropriate to recall it here:

The Moving Finger writes: and, having writ,
Moves on: nor all thy Piety nor Wit
Shall lure it back to cancel half a Line,
Nor all thy Tears wash out a Word of it.

This passage echoes the thoughts of an earlier Persian:

[4.15] Sayeth Darius the king: O thou who shalt see this inscription in the future which I have written or these sculptures, thou shalt not destroy (them) as long as thou shalt live; thus thou shalt guard them.

[4.16] Sayeth Darius the king: If thou shalt see this inscription or these sculptures (and) shalt not destroy them and shalt guard them as long as thy family shall be, may Auramazda be a friend to thee and may there be unto thee a family abundantly and mayest thou live long and whatever thou shalt do, this for thee (let) Auramazda make [successful].

[4.17] Sayeth Darius the king: If thou shalt see this inscription or these sculptures (and) shalt destroy; them and shalt not guard them as long as thy family shall be, may Auramazda be a smiter unto thee and may there not be unto thee a family and whatever thou shalt do, this let Auramazda destroy for thee.

[edit] Contributions

[edit] Articles created

See this list for articles begun by Jpbrenna. Not quite exhaustive, since it hasn't been updated recently.

Both the page framework and layout courtesy of Blankfaze. Page layout first spotted at Usoris pagina Petri Conietni "Proconsulis". Gratias ago vobis! Other material was borrowed from Halibutt


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