Joshua Workman

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Joshua Workman is a Canadian political consultant. He has strong ties to the US Republican Party and was elected, at age 19, to attend the 2000 Republican National Convention in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. Workman has been credited as being one of the youngest delegates in US History. He has since returned to Canada, where he has continued his political career primarily in the backrooms.


[edit] Early years

Joshua Adam Workman was born in Guelph, Ontario in August, 1980.

Workman grew-up in Byron, Ontario and later attended Oakridge Secondary School in London, Ontario. Workman completed his five year Ontario Secondary School Diploma in just over 3 years and was able to graduate secondary school at the age of 17.

In 1997, at age 17 he accepted both athletic and academic scholarships to attend Lees-McRae College in Banner Elk, North Carolina. Workman was a member of both the varsity lacrosse and varsity alpine ski racing team, later being elected Captain of the 2000-2001 ski team.

In 1999, Workman was elected by his peers to serve as "Student-Athlete Representative" to the Board of Directors of the United States Collegiate Ski Association (USCSA), where he successfully served one-term.

[edit] Political beginnings

In 1997, upon enrolling at Lees-McRae College, Workman became active in the campus College Republican Chapter and later would be elected to the Executive of the North Carolina Federation of College Republicans. Workman held such positions as Western Regional Director and 2nd Vice-President.

Workman was also involved in Student Government and was elected as Sophomore Class President in 1998-99 and Senior Class President in 2000-2001 while attending Lees-McRae College.

In 1998, Workman worked as Youth Director for U.S. Senator Lauch Faircloth's unsuccessful re-election campaign. Faircloth lost to former U.S. Senator John Edwards who later went on to serve as the Democratic nominee for Vice-President in the 2004 Presidential Election between George W. Bush and Senator John Kerry.

[edit] The 2000 Republican National Convention

During the convention, Workman was the subject of an MTV political reality television show called Choose or Loose which was aired several times throughout the USA.

In an interview with journalist Barry Yeoman during the convention, Workman made his views on a variety of issues known stating, "It started with economics, I started thinking about the welfare system, and how people don't act responsibly because they've got it to fall back on. There's such a great economy in our world today that people shouldn't have this crutch that they rely on just to be lazy." (

In a different interview, Workman spoke in favour of tax relief stating, "The first thing Bush should do is give us some of our money back. They've got a huge surplus of money that is piling up and they should give some of it back." (

Workman also discussed his love for Canada stating, "I love Canada. I've got a maple-leaf tattoo. I like the fact that it's safe there, that you don't have to think about getting mugged." (

On Canada's gun-control policy Workman states, "Canada's pretty liberal, no handguns allowed. The only time you have a gun is if you're a hunter, or if you're a cop. I don't think that's a good policy. If the wrong person was elected, the wrong party came to power, not having arms would be a major benefit for a dictatorship or someone of poor moral character to take over. If only the police and the army have guns, the government's going to do what they want. If people have guns, then we have a means to fight." (

Finally on the subject of abortion, Workman stated that Bush could harm the electoral future of the GOP if he were to select a running mate who supports abortion rights. It would be "insulting to the base" of the Republican Party, Workman said. (

Summarizing his convention experience, in the "Quote of the Day", Workman stated, "If we nominate George W. Bush and he goes on to become one of the great presidents, then I can tell my kids I was there. I was part of the nominating process." (

[edit] Republican ties

Workman maintains strong ties to several of the major Republican players including US President George W. Bush, former Senate Majority Leader and Republican Presidential Candidate Bob Dole, former House Whip and Majority Leader Tom DeLay and US Senator Elizabeth Dole.

In 2001, while he was stationed in New Haven, Connecticut, Workman was often seen in the company of Presidential daughter Barbara Pierce Bush who attended Yale University also in New Haven, CT.

In 2002, Workman was Political Director for US Congressman Cass Ballenger and led his successful re-election efforts during the 2002 campaign.

[edit] 2003

On June 30, 2003, Workman pled guilty to minor charges of providing false information to a federal agency. He was placed on unsupervised probation and fined $200.00. He has since received a pardon and full discharge of these charges (2005).

Later in 2003, Workman returned to London, Ontario. He currently resides split-time between London and Toronto, Ontario where he owns a downtown condominium.

[edit] 2004

In 2004, he was the unsuccessful campaign manager of Mike Menear's bid for federal office in London West but did manage to maintain a high media profile including several articles linked below:




During Menear's campaign, Workman's policy views again became public when he stated that, "Getting other young Canadians involved in politics -- even if it's just casting a ballot on election day -- is another priority. Less than one-quarter of voters under 25 participated in the last federal election. If all the Western students got together and voted (they) would have to be listened to. Any political involvement is a good thing for a young person." (

[edit] 2005

In 2005, a feature article titled "Backroom Holds A Special Place for Political Worker", Workman stated that he has no intent and could not see himself running for elected office. (

In 2005, he was also listed as being one of the top financial donors to the Ontario PC Party (

[edit] 2006

In 2006, Workman was the successful Co-Chairman for Bev Shipley's 2006 federal campaign. Workman was quoted by CBC discussing Shipley's Voter Turnout Strategy in the final days of the campaign, saying, "We're going to certainly be out knocking on doors and making calls this weekend. If all goes well, on Monday we'll be having a celebration" (

In June 2006, Workman traveled to Nova Scotia where he worked on PC Premier Rodney MacDonald's successful election campaign. In this campaign, Workman was primarily involved with voter turn-out strategies and systems.

In September 2006, Workman was quoted discussing a possible byelection in London North Centre due to the resignation of MP Joe Fontana from Federal politics. Workman stated, "the pending vacancy creates a unique opportunity. The opportunity to pick up a seat that has been a firmly entrenched Liberal hold is very exciting. I would expect several strong candidates to emerge. With a vacancy like this, it's almost certain that potential candidates from outside the area are at least considering their options". (

[edit] Currently

Workman is currently involved in several of London's charitable organizations. He currently volunteers with the AIDS Committee of London, the Canadian Diabetes Association, Youth Opportunities Unlimited, the Canadian Red Cross and the London Blood Bank.

Workman is currently serving in the Canadian Forces Army Reserve.

Recently it was announced that Workman has signed an agreement and will be publishing an autobiography of his life. No release date has been set.