Joshua Fourrier

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Joshua Michael Fourrier (born Jaunuary 6th, 1984 in Lake Jackson, Texas) is a former television talk show host, philanthropist, and popular radio host currently residing in Arizona.


[edit] Biography

Joshua Fourrier grew up in Lake Jackson, Texas. He had an ordinary childhood, however, Josh says his relationship with his parents Michael Fourrier and Susan Fourrier, was a stressful one as Josh was a very open minded and liberal individual ever since childhood.

When Fourrier was 14 years old, a high school sexual education course helped him accept his own homosexuality. Subsequently, in his sophomore year, Fourrier came out to his friends and family. "They would either accept me for who I was, or they wouldn't. What can you do about it except understand how much a person really means to you and visa-vera at that point?” Fourrier explains. Despite the town of 20,000+ having a Conservative feel to it, Joshua seemed to serve as an inspiration as several other students came out.

At age 16, Fourrier departed to Houston, Texas and on September 15, 2001, began hosting his very own television talk show on FreeSpeech TV International Netorks. During this time such talk shows as Jerry Springer, Ricki Lake, and Sally Jessy Raphael were in full force in relation to popularity. With no script in his hand, and no rules on the stage, The Josh Fourrier Show was a moderate success. Fourrier was the host of the show for three years, until network executives agreed to change the format of the network to focus on more of a political view of society. The show was abruptly canceled during its third and final season. Network executives asked Fourrier to host a political talk show on the network geared toward a younger generation audience, but Fourrier declined. "My reputation on the network has already been established as this crazy talk show host that will discuss anything! If I would have been the host of a political talk show on the same network, it just wouldn't have been the same," Fourrier commented.

When Fourrier was 20 years old, he moved to Phoenix, Arizona and began a career in his passion of graphic design work. In addition to his design skills, two years later in 2006, Fourrier accepted an invitation to host a weekly archived radio talk show on AirAzona Radio LLC. The show aims to cover "all of the missing links in politics".

[edit] Personal life

Fourrier is noted as a very private person at times. Fourrier claims he prefers to keep his friends close in his life as he feels "friends are your family". As far as relationships with his genetic family, Fourrier states, Fourrier is the son of Michael Fourrier (48) and (Susan Fourrier, 47). Fourrier claims to have a distant relationship with his mother, stating, "She is a very conservative, narrow-minded individual, and I choose not to involve myself with her. I love her, but it's just not healthy to involve her in my life."

[edit] Public contributions/donations

  • Walk for Life AIDS fundraiser (2000 - 2002)
  • American Red Cross (2001, 2005, 2006)
  • Human Rights Org. (1998 - 2007)
  • Free Speech Org. (2006)

[edit] External links