Joseph Oriol

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Saint Joseph Oriol (José Orioli) (November 23, 1650March 23, 1702) is venerated as a saint by the Catholic Church. He is called the "Thaumaturgus of Barcelona." A native of Barcelona, he studied in the University of Barcelona, receiving the degree of Doctor of Theology, 1 August 1674.

He was ordained priest on 30 May, 1676. He visited Rome in 1686 and was granted a benefice in the church of Nuestra Señora del Pino, in Barcelona.

Impelled by a desire of martyrdom, he went to Rome in April, 1698, to offer himself for the foreign missions, but, falling sick at Marseilles, he returned to Barcelona. He was said to have prophetic and miraculous powers. The dying, the blind, the deaf and dumb, the lame, and the paralytic, were said to be instantly cured by him.

He was beatified by Pius VII, 5 September 1806, and canonized by Pius X, 20 May 1909. His feast occurs on 23 March.

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