Joseph I. Goldstein

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Joe Goldstein is Professor of Mechanical Engineering and emeritus Dean of Engineering at the University of Massachusetts, Amherst. He had previously been Professor of Materials Science and Engineering and Vice President for Research at Lehigh University in Bethlehem, PA. The author of this text (Graham Cliff) met Joe in 1975 during his sabbatical year at Cambridge University, Cambridge, UK. He learnt whilst there that Analytical Electron Microscopy could resolve the solute profiles in his synthetic meteoritic materials. He used the technique of AEM to supplement his extensive Scanning Electron Microscopy technques. He initiated the Lehigh SEM short courses in 1970 and these continue today, teaching both SEM and AEM microprobe techniques.

His early research was at MIT where he gained his D.Sc.

His asteroid was discovered by Schelte J. Bus, who was working at the Anglo-Australian Telescope at Siding Springs, Australia in 1981. It was named in honor of Joe in 2000 because of his outstanding contributions to the science of meteoritics. Joe's web page page can be examined at