José Félix Ribas

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For the municipality in Aragua State named in his honour, see José Félix Ribas (municipality).
José Félix Ribas
José Félix Ribas

José Félix Ribas (Caracas, 19 September 1775 - Tucupido, 31 January 1815), was a Venezuelan independence leader and hero of the Venezuelan War of Independence.


[edit] Early life

Ribas was the last of eleven sons, born to a prominent Caracas family. In his early years, he received a quality education and attended the city's seminary. After finishing his studies, he began working in the agrarian sector. At the age of 21 he married María Josefa Palacios, the aunt of Simón Bolívar. He soon became interested in Republican ideals and sympathetic to the revolutionary independence movement.

Ribas became involved in the Conspiracy of 1808, but was taken prisoner after its failure. In his defense, he stated that on the day of the action, he was just heading to a public square to spend time. Actually, Ribas was frequenting the square to meet with other republicans to plan an uprising. He was later freed by the authorities.

When the 19 April, 1810 events took place, it was reported that Ribas was seen travelling throughout the entire city, encouraging people to join-in the demonstrations against Spanish rule. In the aftermath, on 25 April, he joined the interim government, taking charge of the municipality of Caracas.

[edit] Military career

Apart from his political functions in the interim government, and despite having no military background, Ribas was named Colonel of the Barlovento Batallion which he helped set up with his own funds. He also maintained some contact with Francisco de Miranda, and offered him all possible support when Miranda arrived in the country. Along with another fellow Republicans, he became a member of the Sociedad Patriótica.

During a brief period of Venezuelan independence (the "Second Republic" of Venezuela under the stewardship of Simón Bolívar), Ribas fought in numerous battles of the "Campaña Admirable"; however the most crucial episode was the battle of La Victoria (12 February 1814) in which he and his fellow comrades succeeded in foiling the advance of the formidable Royalist (Spanish-supporting) forces under Jose Tomas Boves (but commanded via proxy, while Boves was wounded, by the Royalist Morales). Ribas won this victory with inexperienced troops, composed mainly of youths, students, and seminary candidates that Ribas has succeeded in recruiting. Ribas told his young soldiers, his charges, before a crucial battle that "No podemos optar entre vencer o morir, es necesario vencer" ("We have no choice between victory and death, we must achieve victory"). After many hours of fierce resistance, Republican reinforcements arrived under the command of Campo Elías. It is in honor of this episode of Venezuelan history that modern Venezuelan citizens now celebrate the "Día de la Juventud" ("Day of Youth"). each 12 February.

[edit] Capture and death after Urica and Maturín

He fought vigorously in the Battle of Urica, where the Republican (Venezuelan nationalist and separatist) cause was momentarily lost; yet he succeeded in having his Royalist nemesis Boves killed. After this battle, his forces assisted in offering a last desperate resistance to Morales at the Battle of Maturín; however this effort also was defeated. Ribas, together with a nephew and a faithful servant, was forced to flee from the victorious Royalists. However, Ribas was ultimately betrayed to Royalists by a slave. Ribas was then captured. Ribas was exectued by beheading. Ribas' lopped off head, after having been fried in cooking oil, was sent to Caracas. There, it was exhibited to public display within a small cage.

[edit] Legacy

Almost two centuries later, Ribas' deeds would be remembered by the current Hugo Chávez government with the naming of one of the Bolivarian Missions (Mission Ribas) in his honor.

[edit] See also

[edit] References

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