Jorge Alberto Uribe

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Jorge Alberto Uribe Echavarría
Jorge Alberto Uribe Echavarría

Jorge Alberto Uribe Echavarría (born October 30, 1940 in Medellín) is a Colombian politician and businessman.

He was educated at primary and secondary schools in Colombia, with two years spent at Culver Military Academy in the United States. He completed a first degree in economics at George Washington University in the USA and did post-graduate work in international marketing at Besançon University in France.

He served as his country's minister of defense, succeeding Martha Lucía Ramírez, who was Colombia's first female defence minister. Prior to that appointment, he served as Finland's honorary consul in Bogotá for a period of ten years.

Jorge Alberto Uribe Echavarría is not related to fellow medellinense President Álvaro Uribe Vélez, but the two are old friends.