Jonetani Kaukimoce

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Hon. Jonetani Kaukimoce
Hon. Jonetani Kaukimoce

Jonetani Kaukimoce is a Fijian politician, who served in the House of Representatives from 2001 to 2006. He won the Tamavua Laucala Urban Fijian Communal Constituency, for the Soqosoqo Duavata ni Lewenivanua Party (SDL) in the parliamentary election of September 2001. Previously, he had attempted, unsuccessfully, to win the seat for the Fijian Political Party (SVT) in the 1999 election.

Kaukimoce served as Leader of the House from 2001 to 2006, but was not renominated by the SDL and retired from politics at the 2006 parliamentary election held on 6-13 May, and was succeeded by Ratu Jone Waqairatu. Kaukimoce was quoted in the Fiji Times on 3 April as claiming that he had won the SDL primary election, but had been rejected by the party hierarchy.