Jonathan Zizmor

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Dr. Jonathan Zizmor is an American dermatologist from New York City famous for his prolific, colorful subway ads promising that "Now you can have beautiful clear skin!"

Despite Dr. Zizmor's high degree of local fame, some of his ads boast that "all patients [are] seen by Dr. Z."

The fact that most New Yorkers recognize Dr. Zizmor but he remains all but unknown outside of the New York area makes him somewhat of a cultural touchstone for a city whose quirks and idiosyncrasies have often been appropriated by the larger American culture. For example, during her 2000 run for U.S. Senate from New York, the New York Post proposed that Hillary Clinton, who had never lived in New York, be required to prove her connection to the state by taking a quiz that only New Yorkers would be able to pass. One of their suggested questions was, "Who is Dr. Zizmor?"

His daughters attended Ramaz.

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