Jonathan Walker

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Jonathan Walker (born 1799 in Cape Cod, Massachusetts - died May 1, 1878 near Muskegon, Michigan), aka "The Man with the Branded Hand," was an American reformer who became a national hero in 1844 when he was tried and sentenced as a slave stealer following his attempt to help seven runaway slaves find freedom. He was branded on his hand by the United States Government with the markings S.S. for "Slave Stealer."

During his youth, Walker was captain of a fishing vessel, but around 1840 he went to Florida and became a railroad contractor. He was interested in the condition of the slaves, and in 1844 aided several of them in an attempt to make their escape in an open boat from the coast of Florida to the British West Indies. After doubling the capes, he was prostrated by illness; the crew, being ignorant of navigation, would all have been drowned if they had not been rescued by a wrecking sloop that took Walker to Key West. From there, he was sent in chains to Pensacola, where he was put in prison, chained to the floor, and deprived of light and proper food.

Upon his trial in a United States court, Walker was convicted, sentenced to be heavily fined, put on the pillory, and branded on his right hand with a hot iron with the letters "S. S.," for "slave-stealer." A United States marshal executed the sentence. He was then returned to jail, where he was confined eleven months, and released only after the payment of his fine by northern abolitionists. For five years after his release, he lectured on slavery in the northern and western states. He moved to Michigan about 1850, where he lived near Muskegon until his death. A monument was erected to his memory on August 1, 1878.

Walker was the subject of John G. Whittier's poem "The Man with the Branded Hand."

[edit] Reference

  • Wilson, Henry, Rise and Fall of the Slave Power in America. Boston, 1874.

[edit] Further reading

Walker is commemorated in two books: Jonathan Walker: The Man with the Branded Hand by Alvin F. Oickle and Branded Hand by Elmer Koppelmann.

A website Branded Hand also details the trip around the Florida coast as well as the trial, imprisonment, and branding.