Jonathan Pattiasina

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Jonathan Pattiasina is an Indonesian Christian Minister. He has also conducted regional schools and conferences around Indonesia such as The School of Five Folds Ministries, The School Of Youth Ministries, and Future Leaders School. Jonathan and his wife Ina Pattiasina both hosted a monthly talk show called One Love.

In 1998, Jonathan wrote Kota tanpa Tembok (City Without Walls), a book about the prophetic Church in the Last Days. The following year he authored his second book Kesembuhan Luka Bangsa (Healing A Nation's Wounds), which exhorts the Church to bring a ministry of reconciliation to a nation in crisis. His latest book published in 2002, Investasi Terbesar Allah (The Greatest Investment Of God), focuses on manhood.

Presently, Jonathan is on the Board of Directors of the Christian Men’s Network Indonesia. He is the Director of the Center for Leadership Development, a school that trains future leaders about the "new paradigm." He is also actively involved in the National Prayer Conference, a transformation movement in Indonesia; and in 2004, started Marketplace Ministries as a means of bringing the Word of God to the business world.

Since September 2004, Jonathan & Ina with their two children have lived in Melbourne, Australia as they minister to the Indonesia Uniting Church Of Australia in North Caulfield Melbourne.