Jonathan James

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Jonathan James

Jonathan James
Born 11 May 1981
Borås, Sweden
Residence Uppsala, Sweden
Other names Nicholas, William
Occupation Information analyst, student
For the American cracker also named Jonathan James (a.k.a. "c0mrade") see Jonathan James (convicted cybercriminal).

Jonathan James (born 11 May 1981), full name Jonathan Nicholas William James, raised in the university-town of Uppsala. Jonathan is mostly recognized for his experience in the fields of information intelligence and IT-security, but is also a recognized music producer in the pop and hiphop genre (signed to Bonnier Music Group). His music production credits include music for San Quinn, Ya Boy, Shade Sheist, Redrum, D.N.A., The Jacka, Ron G and more.


[edit] Cassandra gold

In 1999 James released a software-package which guarded computers against backdoors and trojans like NetBus and BackOrifice. Later that same year he released Cassandra Gold which could detect and remove the top 25 backdoors and trojans, Cassandra Gold was well received with a user-base of some 25 000 including the US Air Force, NASA, the U.K. Patents office.

[edit] Melissa worm

In 1999 he collaborated with the FBI and Richard M. Smith (as well as Fredrik Björck) in the hunt for the author of the Melissa worm. Jonathan James's intelligence later contributed to the conviction of worm-author David L. Smith. James's work for the FBI sparked a media-frenzy which spread all over the world.

[edit] ILOVEYOU worm

Later in the year of 2000 Mr. James, contested the findings of Fredrik Björck then a computer-science researcher at Stockholm University. Fredrik Björck claimed that the ILOVEYOU worm was written and spread by a German exchange-student by the name of Michael living in Australia. Mr. Björcks accusation lead to the confiscation of Michael's computers. Mr. James then began investigating the worms origin together with the FBI. James's investigation concluded that the worm originated from the AMA Computer University and that Onel A de Guzman was a contributing author of the worm. Later Mr. James's findings contributed to the arrests of Onel A de Guzman and Michael Buen.

[edit] Past to present

In the year of 2000 Mr. James founded an IT-security consultancy which conducted penetration-testing, software analysis, lectures on IT-security and the development of anti-viral software. However, due to irreconcilable differences between Mr. James and his investor, Jonathan decided to leave the investor.

Jonathan James is currently finishing his university degree in Education and political sciences as well as lecturing, developing strategies and tools for intelligence gathering purposes.

[edit] External links

  • [1] Suave Swede Jilts FBI in "Love" Hunt
  • [2] In the Pursuit of Cybercriminals Real Detectives Turn to Amateurs
  • [3] Aftonbladet article displaying Fredrik Björck's findings (in Swedish]