Jonathan Dayton High School

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Jonathan Dayton High School‎
Jonathan Dayton High School‎

Jonathan Dayton High School is an American four-year comprehensive public high school in Springfield Township, in Union County, New Jersey, as part of the Springfield Public Schools. The school is named after Jonathan Dayton, who signed the United States Constitution.


[edit] Demographics

As of the 2006 - 2007 school year:

Grade Level Number of Students Percent
Grade 9 151 28.0%
Grade 10 137 25.4%
Grade 11 134 24.9%
Grade 12 109 20.2%
Not Listed 8 1.5%
TOTAL 539 100%

Males: 47%
Females: 53%

Total Teachers = 46
Teacher - Student Ratio = 1:12 (NJ Average = 1:14)

Ethnicity Dayton NJ Average
American Indian 1% n/a
Asian 4% 7%
Hispanic 8% 20%
Black 6% 19%
White 81% 54%

[edit] District Statistics

Springfield NJ Average
Number of Schools Managed 5 7
Number of Students Managed 2,083 4,365
Total Revenue $20,926,000 $37,600,000
Total Expenditure $19,855,000 $37,564,000
Revenue Per Student $10,046 $9,222
Expenditure Per Student $9,532 $9,423
Graduation Rate n/a 98%

[edit] Awards and recognition

Jonathan Dayton High School was the 44th-ranked public high school in New Jersey out of 316 schools statewide, in New Jersey Monthly magazine's September 2006 cover story on the state's Top Public High Schools[1].

[edit] Curriculum

Jonathan Dayton offers Advanced Placement Program (AP) classes in the humanities (AP English Language and Composition, AP Art History, AP Studio Art, AP Music Theory, AP United States History, AP European History, and AP Psychology), sciences (AP Chemistry, AP Physics, and AP Biology), and (AP Calculus BC).

[edit] Gifted and Talented Program

One unique attribute of Jonathan Dayton is its independent study or "Gifted and Talented" program. Through this program, run by Barbara Trueger, students explore a personal interest and create a year-long project around it. Examples of previous projects include: an online teen magazine; a weather tracking system; a study of the effects of ubiquitous computing on the school district; a guide website for teenagers detailing the Manhattan neighborhoods of Greenwich Village and East Village; an attempt at writing and producing an original play; the creation of an original comic book; designing a healthy cooking website for teens; an attempt to prove that the John F. Kennedy assassination was a conspiracy; an original design for a 9/11 memorial; the creation of the Junior State of America club, Model UN club, Amnesty International organization, and a book club; a collection of prose and poetry based off of dreams; a quote calendar; the orchestration of several successful blood drives; a dance show benefiting the Make-A-Wish Foundation; and a study into what it takes to break into the music business.

[edit] Dayton's Morning News

Another unique feature of this high school is its daily news show. This show gives up to date information on clubs, school sports and the weather every morning during period two.

[edit] Publications

Jonathan Dayton is home to three publications, The Dawg Print, Melopoeia, and the yearbook. The former is the school's newspaper, which is released quarterly. Melopoeia is Jonathan Dayton's Literary Magazine, which displays the school's body of creative writing. Melopoeia's content can be submitted through the school's Creative Writing class(es), or of the writer's own accord.

The Dawg Print's 2006-2007 staff is as follows:
Editors-in-chief: Melanie Wang, Charline Tetiyevsky, and Mariana Gorn
Opinions Editor: Carissa Clark
Features Editor: Eliav Levy
Pop Culture Editor: Scott Goldfarb
Sports Editor: Elliot Grossman
News Editor: Ben Preston

Melopoeia's 2006-2007 editorial staff is Mariana Gorn, Charline Tetiyevsky, and Sarah Hurwitz

The 2007 yearbook is titled, "Lights, Camera, Graduation!" The assembly of the yearbook is overseen by the club's adviser and Yearbook class teacher, Mrs. Karyn Chomko, the executive board of the yearbook, and the students from the first and second semester Yearbook Journalism classes.

The 2007 Yearbook executive board is as follows:
Editors: Alli Dmiszewicki & Alyssa Cariani
Photo Editors: Lisa Genovese & Laura Dauser
Business Manager: Jodie Cottage

[edit] Notable Alumni

  • Jon Denning, Nascar driver and winner of "the 2000 "Rookie of the Year" award at Whipcity Speedway in Westfield, Mass."[2]

[edit] Administration

  • Elizabeth Cresci - Principal
  • Michael LoRicco - Assistant Principal

  • Tom Gula - Supervisor of Science
  • Frank Sanchez - Supervisor of Social Studies, English, and World Language
  • Dan Ilaria - Supervisor of Mathematics
  • Lance Jacobs - Supervisor of Athletics
  • Leslie Vaccarino - Special Services Director

[edit] References

[edit] External links