Jonas Quinn

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Stargate character
Jonas Quinn
Race Human: Kelownan
Gender Male
Birthplace Kelowna, Langara
Portrayer Corin Nemec
First episode "Meridian"

Jonas Quinn is a fictional character in the science fiction television series Stargate SG-1, played by Corin Nemec.


[edit] About Jonas

Jonas Quinn became a member of SG-1 for a year and replaced Daniel Jackson as archaeologist and linguist. Originally, Colonel Jack O'Neill argued with General Hammond that SG-1 could still operate with only three members. However, General Hammond demanded that the flagship team be punctuated by a fourth member, to provide an alternate viewpoint, which O'Neill took as another "sociopolitical nerd to offset SG-1’s overwhelming coolness". Faced with the prospect of having a Russian forced on him, O'Neill accepted Quinn instead.

Jonas proved to be a quick study; Dr. Fraiser determined that he could absorb a great amount of knowledge in a small amount of time, aided by his photographic memory. Even though it took time for Jonas to truly be accepted into SG-1, he managed to earn everyone's respect, including Colonel O'Neill's. Throughout Season Six, Jonas demonstrated a character very similar to Daniel, providing valuable insight to SG-1. At the end of the season, terms of a new contract were reached with Michael Shanks for Daniel to return, so Jonas was written out of the story at the opening of Season Seven.

[edit] History

A native of Kelowna, SG-1 first encountered the astute Jonas Quinn in the Season 5 episode "Meridian". Soon after their cordial meeting, Jonas witnessed Daniel Jackson's heroic sacrifice, saving the planet by removing unstable naqahdriah from a bomb, thus exposing himself to a lethal dose of radiation. Horrified by the deaths of Daniel and the other scientists, and disgusted by his leaders reaction of glee, he stole a small amount of naqahdriah from the Kelownans and took it to Stargate Command, hoping it would be used in a more pacifistic fashion than in Kelowna.

After he stays three months on Earth, Jonas is finally allowed to leave SGC to visit the newly built X-302, for which he provided the naqahdriah. It is during this time that he hopes to become a member of SG-1 but Col. O'Neill and Maj. Carter aren't interested. Teal'c alone was sympathetic to Jonas' position, and was the first to genuinely suggest it to O'Neill. When a short time later Anubis attacks Earth with a weapon that causes a Stargate to explode, it is Jonas who helps Carter find a solution to save Earth. Afterwards, and to prevent a Russian becoming a member of SG-1, O'Neill allows Jonas to join the team. ("Redemption")

When SGC finds a Goa'uld Ha'tak class vessel (also called a mothership and shaped like an ancient Egyptian pyramid) floating in Earth's orbit, SG-1 investigates but Jonas has to stay on the Tel'tak (which they used to get to the ship) with Teal'c, much to his disappointment, although he is overjoyed since this is his first time in space. He nevertheless plays a critical role in helping his teammates escape from the ship, when it crash lands on Earth and drowns in the ocean. His actions which probably saved SG1 from death at great risk to himself finally gain him a measure of acceptance as a true member of SG1 in the eyes of Jack O'Neill, who thanks him for risking his life to save himself, Carter and Teal'c. "Descent")

Later, SG-1 visits Antarctica because a research team finds a woman who has been frozen for millions of years. When the woman (who is named Ayiana by one of the scientists and later turns out to be an Ancient) is thawed and turns out to be still alive, Jonas is the one who starts to help her deal with the situation. He also informs her when the people in the base become sick because of an illness with which Ayiana was infected and thus causes her to heal the others with her incredible healing abilities. However, this causes Ayiana to become weaker, until she succumbs fully to the illness and dies, which affects Jonas deeply. ("Frozen")

After he helped uncover several Goa'uld symbiotes which took over a small town ("Nightwalkers"), Jonas is confronted with his past when several Kelownans visit SGC. One of them is his former professor, who tells him that he and several other people plan to overthrow the government on his planet. However, this turns out to be an illusion in the professor's mind, who became schizophrenic due to his long work on the naqahdriah. This incident also deeply affects Jonas because the professor was a good friend and mentor of his. ("Shadow Play")

In another mission, Jonas is able to uncover the truth of the Tok'ra queen Egeria ("Cure") and when the new Earth battleship Prometheus is hijacked by rogue NID-agents, Jonas is on board and held hostage by the hijackers ("Prometheus"). Shortly after this incident is solved, he is thrown into another mission with SG-1, during which he is for the first time confronted with the Replicators. ("Unnatural Selection")

When SG-1 discovers a device created by the Ancients, Jonas starts to see strange creatures, an ability which is caused by the device. Later other people start to see these creatures but with Jonas' help SG-1 is able to solve the problem. ("Sight Unseen") Some time later SG-1 is captured by Nirrti, who uses an Ancient DNA Resequencer to experiment with SG-1. When she examines Jonas with the device she finds out that he is different from other humans but this isn't further investigated after Nirrti is killed. ("Metamorphosis")

When SG-1 discovers a crash landed space ship with several human and alien survivors, it is Jonas who finds out that the ship was a transport ship for prisoners. ("Forsaken") Some time later SG-1 is on the Prometheus when the ship has its maiden flight but then is forced to land on a planet after a malfunction of its hyperspace engines. On the planet they discover an advanced civilization which unfortunately doesn't have a Stargate. Together with Teal'c, Jonas is able to locate the gate. ("Memento")

During a mission Jonas starts to have visions which are apparently from the future and it turns out that they are caused by Nirrti's experiments on him. Although these visions prove to be very valuable, a tumor grows in Jonas' brain and it has to be removed before it can kill him. Before this happens, Jonas manages to save SGC from destruction, thanks to a vision. ("Prophecy")

At the end of the year Jonas and SG-1 visit Abydos after Daniel Jackson told them about the Eye of Ra which Anubis wants to obtain. On the planet Jonas plays a key role in finding the Eye and together with his teammates escapes the planet before Anubis destroys it. During the mission the team finds a tablet of the Ancients which tells about a lost city and Jonas begins to search for it. ("Full Circle")

After he has searched for the city for several months, Jonas thinks he has finally found it but instead of discovering the city on the planet to which SG-1 goes, they find the de-ascended Daniel. Daniel and Jonas take part in a mission to infiltrate Anubis' ship to help destroy his super weapon. Although the mission is a success, Jonas is captured. ("Fallen") Anubis then probes his mind with one of his brain probes and finds out about the naqahdriah. Thus he flies to Kelowna, where he starts to take over the main city. SG-1 comes to help them and during this time Jonas is able to escape. When he meets the leaders of his planet and sees that they still don't trust each other, he gets angry at them and tells them to work together. After Anubis is driven away, Jonas decides to go back to Kelowna and become a peace negotiator for his people on the Joint Ruling Council. ("Homecoming")

Several months later Jonas returns to SGC after he finds out that the naqahdriah will cause the destruction of his planet and, with his former teammates, works on a plan to save his homeworld. During this time he discovers that his friend Kianna was infected with a Goa'uld symbiote, but they are nevertheless able to save the planet from destruction and Kianna is freed from the symbiote. ("Fallout")

Following the destruction of Dakara, it is mentioned that Jonas' homeworld, now named Langara, has been conquered by the Ori. It has not been revealed if Jonas survived the attack. ("Counterstrike")

[edit] Love Life

In "Metamorphosis", Jonas flirts with a Nurse. While talking to Sam afterwards, he expresses a desire to ask the Nurse out, although he is shy:

Jonas: I'm thinking of asking her out.
Sam: Then you should.
Jonas: On Kelowna, it's custom for that request to be passed on by a friend. [punches Carter lightly on the arm]
Sam: Oh, it is not!
Jonas: You could at least find out for me if she'd be receptive.
Sam: Jonas, you are such a chicken!

It is implied in "Forsaken" that Jonas has had at least some dating experience (whether this was on Earth or not is negligible), when he remarks at the end of the episode, "Well, that, and I've always been suspicious of a girl who kisses on the first date."

In "Fallout", Jonas is shown to have a relationship with his assistant Kianna Cyr. Kianna turns out to be a goa'uld, but later the symbiote within her dies, saving her life. It is not known if and how the relationship of Jonas and Kianna has since then developed.

[edit] Episodes

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[edit] External links

Regular Characters on Stargate SG-1  Edit 
Current: Cameron Mitchell | Samantha Carter | Daniel Jackson | Teal'c | Hank Landry | Vala Mal Doran

Former: Jack O'Neill | Jonas Quinn | George Hammond |