Jon Silkin

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Jon Silkin (1930 - 1997) was a British poet.

He was born in London, in a Jewish immigrant family, and attended Dulwich College. During the Second World War he was one of the children evacuated from London (in his case, to Wales). For a period of about six years in the 1950s, after National Service, he supported himself by manual labour and other menial jobs.

He wrote a number of works on the war poetry of World War I. He was known also as editor of the literary magazine "Stand", which he founded in 1952, and which he continued to edit (with a hiatus from 1957 to 1960) until his death.

His first poetry collection, "The Peaceable Kingdom" was published in 1954. This was followed by several more. "The Lens Breakers" was published by Sinclair Stevenson in 1992. He edited several anthologies and books of criticism, most notably on the poets of the First World War. He lectured and taught widely, both in Britain and abroad (in among other places the USA, Israel, and Japan).

He began an association with the University of Leeds in 1958, when he was awarded, as a mature student, a two-year Gregory Fellowship, and the archives of "Stand" are now at the university. He moved to Newcastle-upon-Tyne in 1965, where he lived until his death.

He was working with Cargo Press on his collection "Testament Without Breath" at the time of his death in November 1997.

[edit] Works

  • The Portrait and Other Poems (1950)
  • The Peaceable Kingdom (1954)
  • The Two Freedoms (1958)
  • New Poems 1960 (1960) editor with Anthony Cronin and Terence Tiller
  • Living Voices (1960)
  • The Re-Ordering of the Stones (1961)
  • Flash Point An Anthology Of Modern Poetry (1964) editor
  • Flower Poems (1964) second edition 1978
  • Penguin Modern Poets 7 (1965) with Richard Murphy and Nathaniel Tarn
  • Nature with Man (1965)
  • Poems New And Selected (1966)
  • New and Selected Poems (1966)
  • Against Parting by Natan Zach (c. 1967) translator from Hebrew
  • Three Poems (1969)
  • Poems (1969) editor with Vernon Scannell
  • Pergamon Poets VIII (1970) editor with Vernon Scannell
  • Amana Grass (1971)
  • Killhope Wheel.(1971)
  • Out of Battle: The Poetry of the Great War (1972)
  • Air That Pricks the Earth (1973)
  • Poetry of the Committed Individual: A "Stand" Anthology of Poetry (1973) editor
  • The Principle of Water (1974)
  • A 'Jarapiri' Poem (1975)
  • The Peaceable Kingdom (1975)
  • Two Images of Continuing Trouble (19760
  • The Little Time-Keeper (1976)
  • Jerusalem (1977)
  • Into Praising (1978)
  • Out of Battle, the Poetry of the Great War (1978)
  • The Penguin Book of First World War Poetry (1979) editor
  • New Poetry 5: An Arts Council Anthology (1979) editor with Peter Redgrove
  • The Lapidary Poems (1979)
  • Selected Poems (1980)
  • The Psalms and their Spoils (1980)
  • Autobiographical Stanzas: 'Someone's Narrative' (1983)
  • Footsteps on a Downcast Path (1984)
  • Gurney: A Play (1985)
  • The Ship's Pasture (1986)
  • Selected Poems (1980) new edition
  • The Penguin Book of First World War Prose (1989) editor with Jon Glover
  • The Lens-Breakers (1992)
  • Selected Poems (1993)
  • Wilfred Owen: The War Poems (1994) editor
  • Watersmeet (1994)
  • The Life of Metrical & Free Verse in Twentieth-Century Poetry (1997)
  • Testament Without Breath (1998)
  • Making a Republic (2002)

[edit] Poetry of the Committed Individual (1973)

A Stand anthology, edited by Silkin. The poets included were:

Dannie Abse - David Avidan - John Barrell - Wendell Berry - John Berryman - Alexander Blok - Johannes Bobrowski - Bertolt Brecht - T. J. Brindley - Joseph Brodsky - Alan Brownjohn - Leon Felipe Camino - Antonio Cisneros - Peter Dale - Gunnar Ekelöf - Hans Magnus Enzensberger - Roy Fisher - Paavo Haavikko - John Haines - Michael Hamburger - Tony Harrison - John Haynes - John Heath-Stubbs - Zbigniew Herbert - Nazim Hikmet - Geoffrey Hill - Anselm Hollo - Miroslav Holub - Peter Huchel - Philip Levine - Emanuel Litvinoff - George MacBeth - Sorley Maclean - Christopher Middleton - Ewart Milne - Norman Nicholson - Tom Pickard - Maila Pylkonnen - Miklós Radnóti - Tom Raworth - Tadeusz Różewicz - Penti Saariskoski - Jon Silkin - Iain Crichton Smith - Ken Smith - Vladimir Soloukhin - William Stafford - Marina Tsvetayeva - Giuseppe Ungaretti - César Vallejo - Andrei Voznesensky - Jeffrey Wainwright - Ted Walker - Nathan Whiting - James Wright - Yevgeny Yevtushenko - Natan Zach

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