Jon Naismith

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Jon Naismith is a producer of a large number of BBC radio shows, primarily comedy, including, You'll Have Had Your Tea and About a Dog.

Since 1991 he has been the producer of I'm Sorry I Haven't a Clue[1].

[edit] Trivia

Spoiler warning: Plot and/or ending details follow.

Each of the six shows comprising a season of I'm Sorry I Haven't a Clue are recorded before a live theatre audience, with two programmes being recorded at each performance. It is traditional for Naismith to perform the duties of "warmup artist". This usually involves testing sound recording levels by means of a "patronising audience participation exercise" and a joke, to whit:

Late one night a doctor answers the 'phone. "Doctor, help, our son has swallowed a condom" "Don't worry", says the doctor, "I'll be over straight away".

As the doctor is putting his coat on over his pyjamas, the 'phone rings again: "Hello, doctor. Don't worry, we've found another one...."

Naismith also provides the mystery voice for the show, whenever Humph talks about something appearing on the laser display board, and the mystery voice for listeners at home.

[edit] References

  1. ^