John W. Rhodes

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John W. Rhodes former Republican member of the North Carolina General Assembly representing the state's ninety-eighth House district which is entirely in Mecklenburg county. A successful real estate broker from Huntersville, North Carolina, Rhodes served two terms (2003-2007) in the State House.

Rhodes was the brave House Member who first challenged the Speaker of The House, Jim Black, over extensive malfeasance in the North Carolina House. (Jim Black later resigned amid charges on bribes, etc, and is awaiting sentencing.)

John W. Rhodes
John W. Rhodes

More criminal investigations of those who allied with Mr. Black are underway and more indictments are expected from Raleigh.

Mr. Rhodes is credited with the slew of new ethic reforms flooding all levels on Government in North Carolina.

During Mr. Rhodes last two years in office, everyone touted the fact that he was one of the least effective House Member during the last two years he served in the House. A fact his opponent used to win the seat. We are happy to report his opponent seems to have also taken on the fight against dishonesty in Raleigh. Sadly it has been proven that John's ineffectiveness was directly related to his adherence to finding the truth, the lack of support from his own party and the media who were fed information by what was then a very powerful Jim Black and his many cohorts.

We citizens found out just how quickly North Carolina's elected officials will circle the wagons when we visited and tried to discuss honesty with them. The Governor would not meet with us and only a few brave members met with us when we asked them a week in advance to discuss their ideas to ensure honesty in Raleigh.

History has proven Mr. Rhodes was only looking out for the taxpayers, though it cost him his seat and extensive disdain from the Republican Party leaders. Many who are now touting the fact he is so honest and a member of The Republican Party.

His character has earned him an extensive following in North Carolina with a grass roots effort called the John Rhodes Day. This will be celebrated March 22nd of each year and is being used as a way not to just honor John Rhodes, but to honor Loyalty, Honesty and Character in North Carolina. See the Website John Rhodes Day[1]

The 2007 John Rhodes day was celebrated by several elected officials joining the crowd and Mr. and Mrs. Rhodes, John's Mom and Dad standing in the background listening to the many speeches asking again for honesty in Raleigh. It was great to have his parents there and to see just how much love they have for each other after 52 years of marriage. John was later acknowledged as being in the Gallery by the entire house, many of whom stood up to give him a standing ovation.

We are looking forward to John Rhodes Day, 2008, and each one every year after. We also look forward to seeing the progress that has been made in Raleigh in terms of honesty in Raleigh since our last visit.