John McHale (artist)

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John McHale (born Glasgow 1922, died 1978) was an artist , a founder member of the Institute of Contemporary Arts, and a founder of the Independent Group, which was a British movement that originated Pop art that grew out of a fascination with American mass culture and post-WWII technologies. [1]. The critic Reyner Banham called John McHale the "scholar-artist, this Father of Pop", on page 43 of "The Expendable Ikon:Works by John McHale", Albright Knox catalogue May 12-July 8, 1984.

He was also a jeweller, potter, designer, ecologist, futurist, sociologist and educator. As is documented on page 394 of The Futures Directory, compiled by John McHale,and Magda Cordell McHale, published by Westview Press, 1977: John McHale was born in Scotland, educated in the United Kingdom, with a Ph.Degree in Sociology. He published extensively in Europe and the USA on the impact of technology and culture, mass communications, and the future. His books included "The Future of the Future" published by Braziller 1968, and the "The Ecological Context", pubished by Braziller, 1970, and "World Facts and Trends" published by Collier-MacMillan, 1972. John McHale was an artist and designer, he exhibitied widely in Europe since 1950. His works included graphics, exhibition design, television, film, and general consultancy to organisations in the U.S. and Europe.

As documented in full in the the "Futures Directory", page 394: John McHale was a Fellow (and Secretary-General) of the World Academy of Sciences, The Royal Society of Arts (England), the New York Academy of Science, and the American Geographical Society. He was awarded the Medaille d' Honneur en Vermeil, Society d' Encouragement au Progres in 1966, the Knight Commanander's Cross of the Order of St. Denis in 1974. John Mchale was also a member of the American Sociological Association, Institute of Ecology, Society for the Advancement of General Systems Theory, a member of the Colorado Archaelogical Society, and a member of the World Futures Studies Federation, and a founding member of the Futures Advisory Board.