John L. Bell

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Rev John Lamberton Bell (born in 1949) is a Church of Scotland minister, a member of the Iona Community, a broadcaster, and former student activist.

He first emerged as a significant figure in 1974 when he was elected as president of Glasgow University Students' Representative Council. His election represented a significant breakthrough as it was the start of a few years' control by the left wing of GU SRC. Bell was quite open about his Christian religious beliefs, wearing a wooden cross-shaped pendant. Curiously, he even looked a bit like the traditional representation of Jesus in art, with his hair and beard. He was generally regarded as an able president, even by people who did not share all his political and religious views.

In 1977 he was elected as Lord Rector of Glasgow University, while he was still a student. This was part of a trend for student rectors in Scotland at that time (which included e.g. Gordon Brown at Edinburgh University) but the rules were later changed to prevent students from standing for this post.

After a period in the Netherlands and two posts in church youth work, he became employed full time in the areas of music and worship with the Wild Goose Resource Group. He is a past convener of the Church of Scotland’s Panel on Worship and also convened the Committee to revise the Church Hymnary.

In 1999 he was honoured by the Presbyterian Church in Canada and the Royal School of Church Music which bestowed a Fellowship on him, and in 2002 he was awarded an honorary doctorate by the University of Glasgow.

John has produced (some in collaboration with Graham Maule) many collections of original hymns and songs and two collections of songs of the World Church. These are published by the Iona Community in Scotland and by G.I.A. Publications (Chicago) in North America.

He is an occasional broadcaster, and has presented a programme Songs of God's People on BBC, which included religious songs from various parts of the world. He lectures in theological colleges in Britain and U.S., but is primarily concerned with the renewal of congregational worship at grass roots level.

[edit] Church Hymnary (Fourth Edition)

John Bell was the Convener (and music editor) of the committee which drafted the Church of Scotland's Church Hymnary (Fourth Edition). The committee first met in 1994; the Fourth Edition was finally published in 2005. Music edition: ISBN 1-85311-613-0

[edit] Partial bibliography

[edit] External links