John J. McNeill

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John J. McNeill was ordained as a Jesuit priest in 1959 and now is a psychotherapist and an academic theologian, with a particular reputation within the field of Queer Theology.


[edit] Academic career

He obtained a Ph.D. from Louvain University in Belgium in 1964 and has taught at LeMoyne College in Syracuse, NY and Fordham University in NYC. In 1972, he joined the combined Woodstock Jesuit Seminary and Union Theological Seminary faculty as professor of Christian Ethics, specializing in Sexual Ethics.

[edit] Published works

  • The Church and the Homosexual
  • Taking a Chance on God
  • Freedom, Glorious Freedom
  • Both Feet Firmly Planted in Midair

[edit] Honours

  • Grand Marshal of the New York City Gay Rights Parade in 1987;
  • The National Human Rights Award in 1984 for his contributions to lesbian and gay rights;
  • The 1989 Distinguished Alumnus Award from Blanton-Peale Institutes of Religion and Health;
  • The Humanitarian Award in 1990 from the Association of Lesbian and Gay Psychologists;
  • The 1993 Distinguished Contribution Award of the Eastern Region American Association of *Pastoral Counselors for outstanding contribution to pastoral counseling;
  • The United Fellowship of Metropolitan Community Churches Special Award for his "dedicated work in spreading the Gospel to the lesbian/gay community";
  • The 1997 Dignity/USA Prophetic Service Award "In Recognition of over 25 years of extraordinary work on behalf of the Catholic Gay, Lesbian, Bisexual and Transgenered Community";
  • The 1999 Metropolitan Community Church of San Francisco "Living Saint" Award.

[edit] External links

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