John Cowell

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John Cowell (1554-October 11, 1611) was an English jurist. Born in Ernesborough (now Irishborough), Devon, he was educated at Eton, and King's College, Cambridge, ultimately becoming professor of civil law in that university, and master of Trinity Hall, Cambridge. In 1607, he compiled a law dictionary, The Interpreter, in which he exalted the kings prerogative so much that he was prosecuted before the House of Commons by Sir Edward Coke, who had a hostile history with Cowell. He was saved from imprisonment only by the interposition of James I. His book was burnt by order of the House of Commons. The suppression order read in part:

When Men goe out of their Element, and meddle with Things above their Capacitie, themselves shall not onely goe astray and stumble in Darknesse, but will mislead also divers others with themselves into many Mistakings and Errours.. the Proofe whereof wee have lately had by a Booke written by Docteur Cowell.. by medling in Matters above his reach, he hath fallen in many Things to mistake and deceive himselfe.. in some Poynts very derogatory to the supreme Power of this Crowne; In other Cases mistaking the true State of the Parliament of this Kingdome...[1]

Dr. Cowell also wrote a work entitled Institutiones Juris Anglicani. He died at Oxford on the October 11 1611.

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