Johann Jakob Brucker

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Johann Jakob Brucker (1696 - 1770) was a German historian of philosophy.

He was born at Augsburg. He was destined for the church, and graduated at the university of Jena in 1718. He returned to Augsburg in 1720, but became parish minister of Kaufbeuren in 1723.

In 1731 he was elected a member of the Academy of Sciences at Berlin, and was invited to Augsburg as pastor and senior minister of the church of St Ulrich. His chief work, Historia Critica Philosophiae, appeared at Leipzig (1742-1744). Its success was such that a new edition was published in six volumes (1766-1767; English translation by W. Enfield, 1791). It is by this work alone that Brucker is now known. Its merit consists entirely in the ample collection of materials.

Wikisource has an original article from the 1911 Encyclopædia Britannica about:

He also wrote Tentamen Introductionis in Historiam Doctrinae de Ideis, afterwards completed and republished under the title of Historia Phiosophicae Doctrinae de Ideis (Augsburg, 1723); Otium Viedelicum (1731); Kurze Fragen aus dem philosophischen Historiae (l vols., Ulm, 1731-1736), a history of philosophy in question and answer, containing many details, especially in the department of literary history, which he omitted in his chief work; Pinacotheca Scriptorum nostra actate literis illustrium, &c. (Augsburg, 1741-1755); Ehrentempel der deutschen Geletzrsamkeil (Augsburg, 1747-1749); Institutiones Historiae Philosophicae (Leipzig, 1747 and 1756; 3rd ed. with a continuation by F. G. B. Born (1743-1807) of Leipzig, in 1790); Miscellanea Historiae Philosophicae Literariae Criticae ohm sparsim edita (Augsburg, 1748); Erste Anfangsgrunde der philosophischen Geschichte (Ulm, 1751). He superintended an edition of Luther's translation of the Old and New Testament, with a commentary extracted from the writings of the English theologians (Leipzig, 1758-1770, completed by V. A. Teller). He died at Augsburg.

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