Joe Carr

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Joe Carr.
Joe Carr.

Joe Carr, also known as Joseph Smith (born 1981 in Kansas City, Missouri) was brought to public attention in March 2003 when he came forward as an eyewitness to the death of Rachel Corrie. [2] Corrie, a member of the International Solidarity Movement (ISM), died in Rafah in the Gaza Strip when she tried to obstruct the operation of an Israeli bulldozer. Carr, a United States citizen, said he took photographs of Corrie standing in front of a bulldozer and of her later lying in the arms of her friends. [1]

Carr describes himself on his website as follows:

“I am an anarchist; I seek to tear down hierarchies in my personal interactions, organizing structures, & society at large. I am a revolutionary; this US-dominated global capitalist system is inherently flawed & I aim to help accelerate its inevitable collapse & create a truly sustainable & egalitarian society. I work for peace in my personal interactions and I oppose all wars waged by governments to ensure their dominance, but I am NOT a pacifist; I find nonviolent tactics powerful and effective, but violence & property destruction have always been an essential part of revolutionary movements & support everyone's right to self defense.”

Carr also acted as an eyewitness when ISM activist Tom Hurndall was shot in Rafah in April 2003. He was subpoenaed in December 2004 to testify at the trial of Sergeant Taysir al-Heib (20), an Israel Defense Forces soldier from a Bedouin patrol, who was charged in connection with Hurndall's death. Carr appeared before an Israeli military court at a military base at Castina Junction near Ashkalon, near Tel Aviv, and testified as a defense witness. Al-Heib was convicted of manslaughter.

In addition to his work with ISM, Carr has worked with the Christian Peacemaker Teams (CPT). He spent three months with CPT in the West Bank town of Tuwani in 2004, but Israeli authorities have since denied him entry to the area. In April 2005, Carr spent time working with CPT in Iraq. Carr has given presentations in the United States about his experiences.[citation needed]

[edit] See also

[edit] References

  1. ^ [1]

[edit] Further reading